Warehouse Transactions Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create warehouse transactions for planning the movement of items from one location to another.

You can view a warehouse transaction as a request for items to be moved from one location to another within the same warehouse.

The purpose of warehouse transactions is to enable you to focus on the goal of the relocation and let Maconomy fill in the details. For instance, if you want to move 50 units of item 1241 to the location where you normally pick items to prepare them for packing because it is running empty, you may not be concerned with where the items are moved from, as long as they are moved to the correct location. Similarly, if you need to clear a location for an incoming shipment, you may not be concerned with where the items at that location are moved to, as long as they are moved away from the location in question.

To plan an internal relocation, create a warehouse transaction and specify the quantity of items that you want to move and where they should be moved to or from. Next, approve the warehouse transaction and create a picking list using functions in the Action menu. Maconomy then creates a picking list with a suggestion of where to pick or place the items, depending on whether you specify a source or a target location.

You can specify on a warehouse transaction both where the items should be moved from and where they should be moved to. Maconomy transfers this information to the picking list that you create later in the process, but if you know both where the items should be moved from and where they should be moved to, you can create a picking list directly in the Picking Lists workspace instead.

You can also create warehouse transactions automatically as a result of, for example, sales orders or productions. Using an action in, for example, the Sales Orders workspace, you can create a warehouse transaction that specifies where the items in question should be moved to the shipping location of the order and with a blank source location number that indicates that the location from which the items are picked is irrelevant. For detailed planning, you can then either specify a source location, split a line into several lines to move the items from several locations to the target location, or just create a picking list and let Maconomy suggest the necessary source locations. You can also automatically create a similar transaction from an item purchase order by using the Create Warehouse Transaction action in the Item Receipt workspace. This action creates a warehouse transaction that requests that the received items be moved from the receiving location to storage locations within the warehouse. On this type of warehouse transaction, you have the same planning options as on transactions that belong to sales orders.

In some cases, Maconomy automatically performs the warehouse transaction step. For instance, you can print a picking list directly in the Sales Orders workspace. Then Maconomy automatically creates and approves a warehouse transaction before creating and printing a picking list for it. Even if you create a warehouse transaction in this way, you can still view it in this workspace.