Bill of Materials Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bill of Materials Information Card Tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the BOM. The BOM header is created in the Item Information Card window and marked in the “BOM” field. The item number is unique. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to find a BOM.
Description This is the BOM text, It is entered and can only be changed in the item information card. The text is shown as a supplement to the item number several places in Maconomy and also on order documents. The item text describes the BOM.
Inventory Control This shows whether there is inventory control at the highest level of the BOM. The mark cannot be changed here. It is determined for the item group the BOM is attached to in the item information card window.

If this field is marked, Maconomy will apply the current cost of the BOM header. If it is not marked, the cost of the BOM is calculated from the costs of the BOM item parts.

Price Control Here you can select price control for the highest level of the BOM. If this field is marked, Maconomy will either use the price of the BOM from a price list or calculate a price from its cost in the warehouse selected in the field “Warehouse,” and the GM% of the item, which is entered in the item information card. Maconomy applies quantity discounts as well as item and customer discount agreements.

Maconomy calculates the price of the BOM when it is entered in a sales order by first finding the price at the highest level with price control, then allocating these prices to the lower levels and then adding them up again. Once the BOM is entered in an order line, its price will always be calculated from the prices of its parts at the lowest levels. It means that after being entered in a sales order, a BOM only has price control at the lowest level of each branch. If this field is not marked, the BOM sales price is found by adding up the prices of its parts. When the parts are priced, Maconomy applies any relevant quantity discounts and discount agreements. Maconomy will not apply discount agreements that include the BOM header.

You can change this field, but you cannot remove price control from a BOM if it is in a price list or is attached to a discount agreement.

Itemize when Creating Here you can select whether to itemize the BOM when it is entered (that is, created) in an order line. If this field is marked, all the information about the BOM parts are kept in the Sales Orders module and you can see and change BOM part information in the Order Lines window.

If this field is not marked, the BOM will be handled as a standard item during order processing. The Sales Orders module will not contain any information about the BOM parts. If the BOM is not itemized, the BOM header must have both inventory and price control.

If you wish to work with BOM production, in which case you sell the finished item in the Sales Orders module as a standard item, and the composition of the finished item is not to be shown in order documents (for example, paint work) you should not mark this field.

Itemize Island

Field Description
Quote Here you designate whether to show individual BOM parts when you print a quote. If this field is marked, the printout will show the BOM header and all the parts.

If this field is not marked, the printout will only show the BOM header.

This field must be marked if the BOM does not have price control. The field cannot be marked if the BOM is not being itemized in the Sales Orders module.

Order Confirmation Here you designate whether to show individual BOM parts when you print an order confirmation. If this field is marked, the printout will show the BOM header and all the parts.

If this field is not marked, the printout will only show the BOM header.

This field cannot be marked if the BOM is not being itemized in the Sales Orders module.

Packing Slip Here you specify whether to show individual BOM parts when you print a packing slip. If this field is marked, the printout will show the BOM header and all the parts.

If this field is not marked, the printout will only show the BOM header. This is only possible if there is inventory control for the BOM header.

This field cannot be marked if the BOM is not being itemized in the Sales Orders module.

Invoice Here you specify whether to show individual BOM parts when you print an invoice. If this field is marked, the printout will show the BOM header and all the parts.

If this field is not marked, the printout will only show the BOM header. This is only possible if there is price control for the BOM header.

This field cannot be marked if the BOM is not being itemized in the Sales Orders module.

Cost Island

Field Description
Control % This is the sum of the percentages entered in the “Price Ratio %” field in the table. If the BOM is sold in the Sales Orders module, the control percentage must be 100%. This means that Maconomy can allocate a price to the BOM parts. This allocation takes place when the BOM is entered in an order line.

If Maconomy attempts to allocate a price and the control percentage is not 100%, Maconomy alerts you of the error and the order processing cannot be completed until the control percentage is corrected.

Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse whose prices you want displayed in the window. If no warehouse is selected, or if not all of the BOM parts are assigned to the selected warehouse, all cost prices in both the card and table parts of the window are shown as 0. When you select a warehouse, Maconomy retrieves the cost prices from the relevant warehouse information line in the window Item Information Card, and the cost prices in the card and table parts are shown in the currency of the selected warehouse.
Cost This is the sum of the costs of the BOM parts in the selected warehouse. The individual costs are shown in the “Cost” fields in the table part. The cost sum includes the quantities of the BOM parts given in the “Quantity” fields in the table.The cost here is not necessarily the same as the BOM’s cost in the table part of the item information card, if the BOM has inventory control. It is then the BOM’s cost in the item information card which is used in order processing.

If the BOM is used in production, the cost here will be the same as the cost of one unit of the finished item, provided costs are calculated from raw materials. This is determined in the BOM Production window.

Currency This field displays the currency in which the cost prices in both the card and table parts are shown. The currency corresponds to the base currency of the company to which the selected warehouse belongs.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.