Print Tax Reconciliation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Tax Reconciliation tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company No. Here you can enter a range of company numbers. The printout will only show entries posted with a specification of nature of tax or tax type to companies within this range.
Account No. Here you can enter a range of account numbers. The printout will only show entries posted with a specification of nature of tax or tax type to an account within this range.
Tax Date Here you enter a range of dates. The printout will only include entries entered within this date range.
Nature of Tax In this field, you can select the nature of tax with which the G/L entries must be posted in order to be included in the printout. See the G/L Tax Codes workspace for a description of nature of tax. If you do not select a specific nature of tax, all natures of tax will be shown on the printout.
Tax Type In this field, you can select the tax type with which the G/L entries must be posted in order to be included in the printout. See the G/L Tax Codes workspace for a description of tax type. If you do not select a specific tax type, all tax types will be shown on the printout.
Incl. Manual Entries Only If you check this box, the printout will only show G/L entries where the account number was entered manually, that is, automatic control account entries are omitted. See the Show G/L Entries workspace for a description of automatic G/L entries.
Include only Entries with Deviant Tax Code If you check this box, the printout will only show G/L entries on which a nature of tax or tax type was posted which does not correspond to the information specified in the corresponding G/L tax code. That is, G/L entries where the nature of tax or the tax type has been changed from the value suggested by Maconomy when a general journal line is created in the General Journal workspace.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the Print Layout workspace in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.