Specification of Dimension Reports Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Dimension Reports tab.

Report Island

Field Description
Name If you want to run a dimension report based on a dimension report template created in the Specification of Dimension Reports workspace, you can enter the name of the desired template here. If you do so and press Return or click “OK.” Maconomy will not process and print a report. Instead, Maconomy clears all the fields in the window and transfers the information from the selected dimension report template. You can then make the desired changes to the information transferred from the template before pressing Return or clicking “OK” again to run the report.
Description In this field, you can enter a short description of the report. If you have specified a dimension report template in the field “Name” above, the description is transferred from the template in question. This ensures that on the printout, you can see the description of the template on which the report was based.

Dimension Specification Island

Field Description
Dimension In this column, you can select the dimensions for which you want a report.

The dimensions are compared, using the top dimensions as the primary dimension. If, for instance, you select “Location” as the first dimension and “Account” as the second dimension, “Location” will be displayed in the far-left column in the report, and “Account” will be distributed by locations to the right of the column “Location.”

In the printed report, the highest sum level is placed to the far-left in a column, and further sum levels are indented toward the right. For each primary dimension value, an additional line is printed that sums the printed entries for the current dimension value.

From Sum Level / To Sum Level In these fields you can enter a range of sum levels for which you want to print the report. Sum levels are defined in the structure window for the dimension in question.

The report will itemize the lowest sum level. The lowest sum level can be either the level selected in this field, if it exists, or the lowest sum level in the entries selected in the Selection Criteria island. If, for instance, you enter “4” in this field, but enter selection criteria that otherwise delimit the selected entries so that the lowest sum level among the selected entries is 6, sum level 6 is the lowest and will be fully itemized.

The lowest sum level contains the greatest amount of details. Other, higher sum levels are printed as sums but not itemized, as this would only result in a repetition of figures already displayed.

Name If you check this field, the report will print the name (or number) of the current dimension.
Width In this field, you can specify the width of the columns used for displaying the dimension names. The width is measured in a unit that relates to the screen’s resolution in pixels. It is recommended that you use the landscape paper orientation when printing a report. In Windows, this is done by selecting File » Printer Setup, and then selecting “Landscape” in the field “Paper Orientation” (the Printer Setup window may vary). On a Macintosh, it is done by selecting File » Page Setup, and then clicking the landscape orientation.

Please note that if you are using a PostScript® printer, and you reduce the printout size, Maconomy will take this into account and place more information on the same page. Reducing (scaling down) the print size is done in the PostScript printer driver.

Space is only allocated to the width if the field “Name” has been marked.

Descr. If you check this field, the report will print the description (or account text) of the current dimension.
Width The functionality of this field is similar to that of the “Width” field that applies to columns for dimension names. However, this field is used for specifying the width of the columns that display the dimension descriptions, and space is only allocated for the width if the field “Descr.” has been marked.
Sum Level If you check this field, the report will print the sum level of the current dimension. The sum level is the level specified on the line in the structure window for the dimension in question, that is the Location Structure workspace.
Width The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Width” that applies to columns for dimension names. However, this field is used for specifying the width of the columns that display the sum levels, and space is only allocated to for the width if the field “Sum Level” has been marked.

Column Definition 1 Island

Field Description
Number This is the column number. This number determines where on the printout the column is placed. This number is also used for referring to a given column in column calculations.
Type Here you choose the type of figures to be shown in the current column.

You can choose among the following types of figures:

  • Actual — The column shows amounts posted in the General Ledger.
  • Committed — The column shows amounts from the commitment accounts. Committed amounts are future expenses registered in approved, non-closed purchase orders. See the section “Commitment Accounts” in the Budget module for further information on the concept of commitment accounts.
  • Budget — The column shows amounts from the budget model and the version specified for the column in the fields “Budget Model” and “Version.”
  • Calculation — The column shows a calculation of amounts in one or more of the other columns. Do not enter a period in the “Period” fields. The calculation formula is entered in the field “Calculation.”
Balance Sheet Here you choose the type of balance to be shown in the current column. You can choose among the following balance types:
  • Movement — The column shows the period’s movements for the selected group of dimension entries. Enter a period in the “Period” fields below.
  • Opening — The column shows the period’s opening amounts for the selected group of dimension entries. Enter an opening date in the field “From Period.”
  • Closing — The column shows the period’s closing amounts for the selected group of dimension entries. Enter a closing date in the field “To Period.”
Budget Model If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Type” for the current column, you must enter in this field the name of the budget model whose figures should be shown in the report.
Version If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Type” for the current column, you must enter in this field the version number of the budget model whose figures should be shown in the report.
Mth. Along with the “Year” fields, the “Mth.” fields identify a set of starting G/L period and year and ending G/L period and year whose figures will be displayed in the current column.

If you, for example, enter “07” in the leftmost “Mth.” field, the time range will run from the seventh G/L period of the year specified in the field “Year.” Note that the dimension reports only recognize complete G/L periods.

Year For a description of the functionality of these fields, see the field “Mth.” above.

Column Definition 2 Island

Field Description
Number This is the column number. This number determines where on the printout the column is placed. This number is also used for referring to a given column in column calculations.
Name In this field, you can enter a heading for the column. If you do not enter a heading, the current column type will be used as a heading (“Movement,” “Opening,” “Closing,” or “Calculation”).
Tax If you mark this field, the displayed figures will include tax.

Usually tax has been lifted from the accounts displayed in the report and entered on special tax accounts. If this field is marked, the tax is added to the original entries again, so that the amounts are shown including tax. This is naturally for reporting only; no actual reallocation is taking place in the system.

Show as In this field, you can select the format in which to display the column. You can choose between “Decimal,” “In Whole Numbers,” “Thousands,” “Millions with one decimal,” and “Millions.”
Width In this field, you can specify the width of the columns used for displaying the figures in the report. The width is measured in a unit which relates to the screen’s resolution in pixels. It is recommended that you use landscape paper orientation when printing a report. In Windows, this is done by selecting File » Printer Setup, and then selecting “Landscape” in the field “Paper Orientation” (the Printer Setup window may vary). On a Macintosh, it is done by selecting File » Page Setup, and then clicking the landscape orientation.

Please note that if you are using a PostScript® printer, and you reduce the printout size, Maconomy will take this into account and place more information on the same page. Reducing (scaling down) the print size is done in the PostScript printer driver.

Calculation In this field, you can enter the formula you want to use for this column if you have selected “Calculation” in the field “Type” above.

A calculation formula can consist of references to other columns and constants. You refer to another column by specifying the column number, preceded with a “#”. Whole and decimal numbers are specified as usual. For calculations, you can use the four arithmetical operations: “+”, “-”, “*,” and “/.” Furthermore, you can use “%,” which indicates the percentage ratio between two columns. Finally, you can use parentheses for grouping arithmetic expressions.

Examples of calculations:

  • “#1 #2” in column 3 means that column 3 of every line will be calculated as the difference between column 1 and 2.
  • “(#1 + #2) / #4 * 12” means that column 3 of every line will be calculated as the sum of columns 1 and 2 divided by column 4, multiplied by the constant “12”. If column 4 is 0, column 3 will also be 0. If a text is specified in the system parameter “Text on division by 0 in G/L rep.,” a division by 0 will result in the column displaying the text from the system parameter.
  • “#1 * 1,50” in column 2 means that column 2 will be calculated as column 1 multiplied by the constant “1,5.”
  • “#1 % #2” in column 3 means that column 3 will be calculated as the difference between columns 1 and 2, divided by column 2, multiplied by 100. If column 2 is 0, column 3 will also be 0. If a text is specified in the system parameter “Text on division by 0 in G/L rep.,” a division by 0 will result in the column displaying the text from the system parameter.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company No. From/Company No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the “Account No.” fields below.
Account No. From/Account No. To In these fields, you can enter a range of account numbers. The report will include entries that fulfill the condition specified in the Dimension Specification island and this island. Note that you can use the Find menu to locate account numbers. This feature can be used for all fields in the Selection Criteria island.

Selection Criteria, Dimension Lists Island

Field Description
List 1-3 In these fields, you enter the name of the list of local specifications to be used in the selection criteria. Lists of values for local specifications are created in the windows Local Specification 1-3.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. When selecting criteria for local specifications, you must also enter a list number for the local specification in question.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Heading In this field, you can enter a heading for the entire report, which will be printed at the top of each page. If you choose to save the report as a file, the heading will not be included in the file, as it would otherwise be repeated at every page break in the report. The same is true for column headings; these are entered in the file only once.
Print Front Page If you mark this field, a front page will be printed listing the selections and choices which form the basis of the current report. Also, the current date of printing and user name are included on the front page.
Include 0-Lines If you check this field, the report will include lines with a zero value.