Financial Job Card Workspace

Use this workspace to review detailed financial information about job entries that were entered, invoiced, or revenue-recognized for a specific job in a specific period.

Use selection criteria to narrow down the entries that are displayed. This workspace displays the open, changed, and closed amounts for the job entries, as well as information about work in progress and amounts that have been written up or down on the job.

This workspace is similar to the Job Card workspace, but this workspace displays the financial movements made on a job in detail, whereas the Job Card workspace displays details of work completed on the relevant job.

In the Financial Job Card tab in this workspace, you can define selection criteria for the job that the workspace displays. The first time that you open this workspace, you must specify these criteria, but after you have done this once, Maconomy saves the selection criteria for you. This means that each time that you open this workspace, Maconomy displays the last selection criteria that you entered.

In accordance with the selected criteria, the Job Entries sub-tab displays the open, changed, and closed amounts on entries that have been entered, invoiced, or revenue-recognized within the selected period, as well as information about work in progress and amounts that have been written up or down on the job. The entries that the sub-tab displays are summarized, and the resulting totals are displayed in some of the islands in the Financial Job Card tab. A number of these islands are structured in a similar way, all showing opening, closing, and changed amounts for the period specified in the tab.

The "Opening" amounts that these islands display include all of the actions performed on a job before the first date of the date range that you specify in the Financial Job Card tab, whereas "Closing" amounts include all of the actions performed within the selected date range. As the name indicates, the "Change" amounts display the changes made to the relevant amounts within a given period, that is, the difference between the relevant opening and closing amounts.

In addition, the Financial Job Card tab also displays information about differences between standard billing prices, registered billing prices, and invoiced billing prices related to the job in question. At any time, you can choose the currency in which the amounts in this tab should be displayed. This workspace thus provides detailed financial information about the history of the job and the changes made to the job's entries within a given period, thus providing information on both the job entry level and summarized totals at the job level. You can print the information that this workspace displays using the Print… action.