Approve Interest Criteria Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Interest Criteria tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. In these fields, you can specify a range of customer numbers. The current interest charge selection will only be based on company-specific customers within the specified range.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. The current interest charge selection will only be based on customer entries for company-specific customers whose settling company is within the specified range.
Customer Group In this field, you can select a customer group. Only the interest charge selection for the specified group will be created and printed.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Do Not Print In this field, you can specify if interest charge notices should be printed in connection with approval of the interest charge selection. If you do not mark this field, interest charge notices are printed.

Even if you choose not to print interest charge notices in connection with approval of an interest charge selection, the individual interest charge entries are assigned an interest charge notice number, so that these can be printed later.

Include Entries Blocked for Interest Calculation If the field is marked, all entries blocked for interest calculation will also be included in the interest charge selection.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Interest Charge Notice No. In these fields, you can specify a range of interest charge notice numbers. The fields should only be completed if you have chosen to reprint interest charge notices. Only interest charge notices within the specified range are included on the printout.
Interest Charge Notice Date In these fields, you can specify a range of interest charge notice dates.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can specify which layout to be used on the printout. When using the print layout “Standard,” the printout shows the full amount due on an invoice entry, whereas the interest charge calculation is based on the amount due minus possible payments and credit memos. If an invoice entry has been partially reconciled with a payment, the printout only shows remainder amounts due.

When using the print layout “Detailed,” the printout will include entries that are relevant to the interest charge calculation, that is, entries that have been fully or partially reconciled with the original entry, and credit entries not yet reconciled with other entries, if the associated interest charge/reminder principle apply to “Open” or “Open and Closed” entries.