Serial No. Count Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial No. Count Tab.

Inventory Count Listing Island

Field Description
List No. This field displays the number of the inventory count listing to which the line displayed is assigned. You cannot change the number of an inventory count listing.
Line No. This field displays the number of the line on the inventory count listing currently shown in the window. The table part displays the serial number lines assigned to the current line.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current warehouse as specified in the window Warehouse Information Card.
Name This field shows the name of the company specified in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field shows which currency is used as the base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. For further information about the concepts of company base currencies and enterprise currency, see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This field displays the number of the item assigned to the current inventory count listing line.
Description This field displays the item text assigned to the current item.
Warehouse This field displays the name of the warehouse for which the inventory count listing has been printed. Only items stocked in the selected warehouse are included on the inventory count listing. All stocks taken on the current inventory count listing only concern this warehouse.
Stock Location This field displays the stock location in which the current item is located. The value is transferred from the Item Information Card.
Unit This field displays the unit in which the current item is inventoried and order processed. The unit is specified on the Item Information Card. The information cannot be changed in this field.
Counted This field displays the total number of counted units of the current item. The value is transferred from the field “Total Counted” on the relevant inventory count listing line in the window Inventory Count.

In this window, you cannot see the stock quantity in Maconomy. This quantity can be printed from the window Inventory Count Listing, where deviation in number and percentages are reported on the basis of the information in this field.

Serial Nos. Counted This field displays the total number of counted units of the current item. The value in the field is calculated as the sum of the values in the field “Total Counted” on the serial number count lines in the table part.
Deviation This field displays a possible deviation between the counted number of the item and the total counted quantity of the serial numbers. Thus, the field shows the difference between the fields “Counted” and “Serial Nos Counted.”