Type Conversion Line Type

You can use actions to convert manual lines to calculation lines and vice-versa.

When a line type is set on a line, you typically cannot change it. The only exception is that when you use actions, you can convert manual lines to calculation lines and vice-versa.

If you convert a manual line on a main budget to a calculation line, a sub-budget is created that contains two lines: a sum line and a subordinate manual line. The calculation line is set to refer to the sum line, and the previous amounts of the calculation line are copied to the manual line on the sub-budget. If you convert a manual line on a sub-budget, no additional sub-budget is created, and the calculation line is not set to refer to any other line.

If you convert a calculation line that refers to a line on a sub-budget to a manual line, and no other line refers to a line on the same sub-budget, the sub-budget is deleted.

In both types of conversion, any distribution values are reset, but the periodic and total amounts are maintained.