Task Staffing Workspace

Use this workspace with the Detailed Planning workspace to perform searches for employees who have skills that match the skill requirements of the tasks that you are planning.

You create these requirements tasks by assigning skills to tasks in the Skill Requirements workspace or in the Job Planning workspace in the Job Cost module. You can also book employees for a specific number of hours within a specific period.

The Task Staffing tab displays a job budget line; use the Search action to have Maconomy search for employees who match the skill requirements and employee category specified on that job budget line. You can modify each search using selection criteria, such as available hours and potential overtime for an employee. The Skill Search Results sub-tab shows the results of each search.

When you have found a suitable employee, you can book him or her for a specific number of hours within a specific period. You do this by entering the number of hours, the period, and other booking information in the Booking island, and then using the Book action.

When you perform a search, Maconomy takes into account the skills, skill levels, and employee category specified on the job budget line, as well as the available time and potential overtime for each employee. Maconomy also checks whether employees have already been allocated hours on the job budget line by means of the detailed planning, because employees who are already allocated on the task in question are never included in search results. The results of a search show to what degree the employee on the line matches the skill and skill level requirements of the job budget line, including the number of skill level requirements that could not be met and the number of skill level requirements for which the employee is overqualified. It also displays the potential load percentage of the employee in question, as well as any potential extra overtime hours he or she must work if he or she is allocated for the task on the budget line.

Based on this information in the search results, Maconomy automatically finds the employee in the search results who best matches the search criteria if the current planning budget line belongs to the latest approved revision of its job budget. Maconomy prioritizes as follows: The highest skill match percentage of an employee has the highest priority. If two employees have the same skill match percentage, Maconomy gives priority to the employee who has the highest number of hours available. If further criteria are needed to find the best-suited employee, Maconomy prioritizes in the following order: the fewest hours of potential overtime, the highest level match percentage, and the smallest number of unmet skill levels. Maconomy automatically selects the employee who is best suited for the task according to this prioritization to be transferred to the detailed resource planning, but you can select other employees as required. You can then transfer the selected employees in the search results to the detailed resource plan using the Transfer to Plan action.

If you have not entered skills and skill levels for the current planning budget line, you can use this workspace to perform searches based on employee search criteria. You can then choose to search for, for example, employees who will not have any potential overtime if you allocate them to the task on the budget line, or employees for whom at least a specific number of hours is available.

Note that the search results only provide an up-to-date picture when the search is performed, and after some time they may no longer be relevant, because some of the employees shown in the Skill Search Results sub-tab may have been allocated for other purposes, or their skills may have been changed in the meantime. In addition, if you change the selection criteria in the Task Staffing tab, the search results in the sub-tab are not automatically updated. To see the results of the modified selection criteria, use the Search action again.

You can use the Allocate Automatically action to have Maconomy allocate an employee to the current task automatically.

Note that job budget lines that you have put on hold in the Job Planning workspace in the Job Cost module are not displayed in this workspace.

The information in the Task Staffing tab in this workspace is shared with the Browse Employee Skills workspace, where you can perform searches for employees who match up to ten skills and selection criteria, rather than matching the criteria on a job budget line.