
This section shows the Actions available in the Subscription Order Lines workspace.

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Field Description
Calculate Quantity Discount When you select this action, Maconomy calculates both combined and graded quantity discounts on the delivery lines assigned to the current subscription line. However, subscription order lines for which invoicing has been made are not included in the calculation of quantity discounts.

The calculation of quantity discount is only done if the field “Graded Quantity Discount” in the window Item Information Card is marked. By graded quantity discount is meant a discount, which does not affect all items on an order line but only the quantity of items within the quantity range of each quantity discount. If you for instance grant a discount of 10% on the purchase of 2 to 4 items and 20% on the purchase of 5 to 10 items, it means that an order for 8 items will be granted no discount on the first item, a 10% discount on the next 3 items, and 20% on the last 4 items.