Item Substitution Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to change the number of an item in an item line in the Sales Orders and Quotes workspaces in the Sales Orders module.

Maconomy only changes an item number if you have not printed a packing list or delivered the items, and only if you enter the new item number as a new item number in the New Item No. field in the item information card for the item whose number you are changing. The new item must also be in the warehouse that you entered in the quotes or sales orders in which the old number is being replaced.

When you change an item number, the reservation of the old item number is canceled, and the new item number is reserved.

  • If you use the By Picking backorder method, and there are not enough available items to cover the quotes or sales orders, Maconomy calculates a delivery date of the item line using the delivery time entered in the item information card. If the delivery date is later than the order line's delivery date, Maconomy changes the order line's delivery date. If the order does not have partial delivery and is approved, Maconomy also changes the delivery date on all of the other lines on the order.
  • If you use the By Reservation backorder method, and there are not enough available items to cover the quotes or sales orders, Maconomy creates a backorder for the items. Maconomy does not change the delivery date of the order line. You select the backorder method in the System Information workspace.

If a sales order or a quote has partial delivery, Maconomy changes the delivery dates of all of the items to the delivery date stated for the latest available batch of items on the current order or quote.

Maconomy does not recalculate sales prices for the item line when you substitute an item, nor does Maconomy change the line discount, quantity discount, and price step. When the new item is delivered, Maconomy records the cost of the new item at the warehouse in question.

When you click OK, Maconomy performs the item substitution specified in the workspace.