Job Parameters Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Parameters sub-tab.

Field Description
Parameter Type This field shows the parameter type of the line.
New Parameter Name In this field, you enter the name of a new job parameter to apply to the job parameter type in question. When a job is created, Maconomy automatically derives the value in this field in accordance with the set-up of the job parameter selection rules specified in the window Job Parameter Selection Rules.

If you want to change the value of this field, enter the name of the job parameter you wish to be the new effective job parameter for the job parameter type in question. The values available are found by using the action “Find Job Parameter” in the Find menu. You can only select among job parameters to which you have been granted access. Moreover, you can only enter a job parameter which is considered valid for the job in question. The validity of job parameters is specified in the window Job Parameter Selection Rules. In order for the new parameter to be effective, you must select the action “Change Job Parameters” in the Action menu. See the description of this action for further information.

Description, New Parameter This field shows the description of the currently selected job parameter. The description of each job parameter is entered in the card part of the window Job Parameters and cannot be changed here.
Current Parameter Name This field shows the name of the job parameter currently selected for the job parameter type in question. If you change the value in the field “New Parameter Name” for a certain job parameter type, this field is only updated with the new value when you have selected the action “Change Job Parameters.”
Description, Current Parameter This field shows a description of the job parameter currently specified as effective on the line. The field is updated when you select the action “Change Job Parameters” in the Action menu.
Derivation Rule No. This field shows the number of the derivation rule applied during derivation of the job parameter type.
Derivation Rule Description This field shows the description of the derivation rule applied during derivation of the job parameter type.
Remarks 1-5 These fields show any remarks entered on the new job parameter. The remarks, if any, are specified in the card part of the job parameter in question and cannot be changed here.