Job Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the job. The table part shows jobs that are set up for blanket invoicing and that match the card part with respect to the field in the Blanket Invoicing Criteria island.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job as entered in the Jobs window.
Include Deselect this field to exclude a job from the invoice selection.

Jobs that are marked as included are affected by the actions in this window, and the totals in the card part cover only those jobs that are marked as included.

If you apply the Close All or Delimit action, these actions affect only the included jobs; the actions deselect the jobs that have no entries that are selected for invoicing.

The Invoice To Credit Memo action sets an invoice for crediting on all of the jobs that contributed to the invoice being credited. This action then deselects the jobs that did not contribute to the invoice.

WIP Available This field shows the WIP available for invoicing for time activities and amount activities.
WIP Available, Time This field shows the WIP available for time activities.
WIP Available, Amount This field shows the WIP available for amount activities.
WIP for Invoicing Enter the amount of WIP to invoice.

When you change the amount of WIP to invoice, Maconomy selects entries for invoicing, with the oldest entries first, to reach the specified amount.

WIP for Invoicing, Time Enter the amount of WIP, Time to invoice. Entries of activity type time will be selected to match this amount.
WIP for Invoicing, Amount Enter the amount of WIP, Time to invoice. Entries of activity type amount will be selected to match this amount.
Carry Forward Enter the amount of WIP to carry forward.
Carry Forward, Time Enter the amount of WIP to carry forward for time activities.
Carry Forward, Amount Enter the amount of WIP to carry forward for amount activities.
Billing Price You can change the billing price of the WIP to invoice in this field.

When you change the billing price, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in billing price only to time-related activities.

Billing Price, Time This field shows the billing price for time activities. You can change this value.
Billing Price, Amount This field shows the billing price for amount activities.
Write-Up/Down Enter the amount of WIP to write up/down.

When you change the amount for Write-Up/Down, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in Write-Up/Down only to time-related activities.

Write Up/Down, Time Enter the amount of WIP to write up/down for time activities.
Write Up/Down, Amount This field shows the write up/down of amount activities. The amount cannot be changed here.
Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time. You can change the Realization Rate, which adjusts the Billing Price and Write-Up/Down accordingly.

When you change the Realization Rate, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in Realization Rate only to time-related activities.

Budgeted Realization Rate This field displays a weighted average of the approved budgeted realization for the selected jobs.
Exclude Entries for Carry Forward Select this check box to exclude selected entries in the table part that are marked for carry forward from the billing adjustment when changing the WIP for Invoicing.

You can only select this check box simultaneously with a change in the WIP for Invoicing field.

Status This field shows the status of the job with respect to invoice selection. For example, the field shows “Approved for Invoicing” if there is a draft invoice on the job that is approved for invoicing. If the job is not approved for invoicing, but draft invoices exist, this field shows “Approved for Editing.”

If there are no draft invoices on the job, but it has an amount for invoicing on account, this field shows the texts “Invoicing on Account” or “Plan Transferred” if the amount comes from the invoicing plan.

Write Up/Down to Date This field shows the write-up/down until today’s date. Write-up and write-down are the difference between the registered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Realization Rate to Date This field shows the realization rate to date. This is the revenue recognized as a percentage of the invoiced work in progress (WIP). This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time.
Invoiced to Date This field shows the amount invoiced to date for the jobs included in the draft invoice.
Net on Account This field shows how much of the job price was invoiced on account and deducted from the final job invoice. If you are looking at an invoice on account, this field will show “0.00.”
Total Invoiced to Date This field shows the sum of the invoiced billing price (time-and-material invoices) and the amount net on account, up to this date.
Budgeted Billing Price This field shows the total budgeted billing price for the included jobs in the table part, from the budget type selected as the current budget in the Job Budgets window, for the job on this table line.
Remaining to Invoice This field shows the difference between the budgeted billing price and the total invoiced to date for the job on this table line.
Invoice on Account In this field an amount may be set by the user for invoicing on account the job on the table line.
Latest Invoice The field shows the date of last invoice printed.
End Invoice If you mark this field, the field “End Invoiced” will be marked when an invoice is created from the selection. If you have also marked the field “Close at End Invoicing” on the job, the job will be closed upon invoicing, provided that the job has no open entries, no open purchase orders, no open invoices on account, and no unapproved time sheets.
Customer This is the name of the customer on the job on this table line.
Invoice Type Same as new field in card part of Invoice Selection.
Combine T&M On Account by Default Select this check box to combine T&M with On Account by Default. If this check box is selected, the Invoice Type field switches to T&M and On Account when you set an amount for invoicing on account.
Level 1-5 These fields show the customer hierarchy. The current customer will be in the hierarchy if customer hierarchies are set up.
Budget Text 1-5 These fields show the value of extra text fields in the latest job budget revision.