Interest Calculation of Intercompany Entries Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Interest Calculation of Intercompany Entries tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can specify a company number. If you specify a company number, the actions “Calculate Interest” and “Group Entries” will only take into consideration intercompany entries on which the company in question is involved, either as the responsible or as the settling company. If you do not enter a company number, selecting an action will cause the action to be run for all combinations of responsible and executing company for which intercompany entries exist in the system.

Please note that access restrictions to companies also apply when using the actions in this workspace. This means that the actions will only include entries with an executing company to which the current user has access. If, for instance, interest is being calculated for two companies, only one of which is accessible to the user, Maconomy only calculates interest for the entries for which that company is the executing company. If the user had access to both companies, Maconomy would also calculate the interest for the entries where the other company is responsible, and set off the interest calculations of the two companies against each other as described for the “Calculate Interest” action.

Calculate Interest Island

Field Description
Interest Date In this field, you can specify a date for interest calculation. When you select the “Calculate Interest” action, the interest calculation will only include intercompany entries with an entry or interest date earlier than or equal to the date specified in this field. For further information about the interest calculation procedure, see the “Calculate Interest” action.

Grouping Island

Field Description
Grouping Date In this field, you can specify a date for grouping intercompany entries. When you select the “Group Entries” action, the grouping procedure will only include intercompany entries with an entry or interest date earlier than or equal to the date specified in this field. For further information about the grouping procedure, see the “Group Entries” action.