Change Price Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Change Price Lists Tab.

Change Island

Field Description
Type Here, you select the type of change you wish to make. You can choose between the following five types: “New Price List from Costs,” “New Price List from Price List,” “Update Price List,” “Replace Price List,” and “New Issue.” The five values correspond to the titles of the five islands in the window, and all changes are made in the island corresponding to the selected type of change. You can only make one type of change at a time.

If you select “New Price List from Costs,” Maconomy creates a price list based on the cost of every item in the selected warehouse. If you are creating a purchase price list, the prices will be costs.

If you are making a sales price list, Maconomy adds a gross margin based on one of the two values in the “GM % Sales Price” and “Markup % of Cost” fields from the Item Information Card. Maconomy selects whichever value is higher than zero. BOMs can only be included if they have price control.

The recommended sales price from the Quantity Discounts window is set at zero when you create and edit sales prices from costs.

If you select “New Price List from Price List,” you create a price list based on an existing price list. All the prices in the new price list are changed according to a fixed percentage rate (negative or positive). When you change prices this way, you can keep the original price list.

If you select “Update Price List,” you apply a percentage change, negative or positive, to all prices in an existing price list. The version number of the price list is increased by one.

When you select “Replace Price List,” you transfer all the prices from one existing price list to another existing price list. You can use this method to update a price list, without withdrawing it temporarily from the system.

If you wish to update a price list this way, you first create a price list from the existing one. When the new price list is updated, you replace the old one with the new one. You then assign it the name of the old price list.

The version number of the updated price list is increased by one.

If you create a price list based on an existing price list, you avoid having to change price list references from the Sales Orders module.

If you select “New Issue,” a new issue is created as a copy of the stated price list and issue. The starting date of the new issue must be specified in the island New Issue. If the issue number is zero, the issue of the price list which is valid on the current date will be transferred.

New Price List from Costs Island

Field Description
Name Here you enter the name of the new price list. The new prices are based on individual item costs in the selected warehouse.

BOMs can only be included if they have price control.

Currency Here you select the currency of the new price list. If the new price list uses another currency than the original one, the exchange rate valid on today’s date is retrieved. For sales price lists, the exchange rate table for sales is used. For purchase price lists, the exchange rate table for purchase is used.

You maintain currency codes in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Application Specify here whether the price list applies to sales or purchases.

The pop-up field has two values: “Sales Price List” and “Purchase Price List.” Sales price lists are used in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders modules. Purchase price lists are used in the Accounts Payable and Item Purchase module. You cannot change the application of an existing price list.

Warehouse In this field, you must select a warehouse if you are creating a price list based on the cost of the individual items. The price list created will include all items in the warehouse in question, that is, items assigned to the warehouse in the table part of the window Item Information Card and will be based on the cost prices applying to these items in the selected warehouse. However, BOMs for which not all BOM parts are assigned to the selected warehouse are not included in the price list.

Replace Price List Island

Field Description
From List Here you specify which existing price list you are transferring to the price list in the “To List” field.

If a markup percentage of the price list that replaces the current price list exists, this percentage will be copied and used for the calculation of the recommended sales price, based on the new price stated in the field “Step 1.”

Price lists are created in the Price Lists window.

Issue In this field, you can enter the issue number of a price list. The issue number and the name stated in the field above determine the price list which will be copied.

The suggested value of this field is 0, causing the current issue to be updated. If another issue is to be updated, you can enter the number of the desired issue.

To Price List Here you specify to which existing price list the price list in the “From List” is being transferred. The original prices in this price list will be overwritten.

Price lists are created in the Price Lists window.

Issue In this field, you can enter the issue number of a price list. The issue number and the name stated in the field above determine the price list which will be replaced.

The suggested value of this field is 0, causing the current issue to be replaced. If another issue is to be replaced, enter the number of the desired issue.

New Issue Island

Field Description
Price list In this field, you can select the name of the price list for which an issue is to be created.
Issue In this field, you can enter the issue number of the issue on which you wish to base the new issue. If the number is zero, the price list issue which is valid on the current date will be selected.
Start Date In this field, you can enter the starting date of the new issue of the price list.

For example, the range of dates on an existing price list could be:

Issue 1 [ - 31/1/97] Issue 2 [1/2/97 - 10/3/97] Issue 3 [11/3/97 - ]

Note that the latest existing issue does not have an ending date. When creating an issue of the price list, the starting date can be entered in this field, and the new issue 4 will start on the specified date.


If the starting date of the new issue, Issue 4, is 25/3/97, the period of Issue 3 is shortened to [11/3/97 - 24/3/97], and the period of Issue 4 will be [25/3/97 - ], since no two periods can overlap.

The starting date of a new issue can also be earlier than that of the previous issue. For example, the starting date of issue 4 can be set at 7/3/97 which is within the range of Issue 2. The result is that the ending date of Issue 2 will change to 6/3/97, while the ending date of Issue 4 is 10/3/97.

In this way, the order of the issues is Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 4, Issue 3, and so on.

Update Price List Island

Field Description
Price List Here you specify which existing price list is being changed.

If a markup percentage for the price list exists, this percentage will be used for the calculation of the recommended sales price, based on the new price stated in the field “Step 1.”

Price lists are created in the Price Lists window.

Issue In this field, you can enter the issue number of a price list. The issue number and the name stated in the field “Price List” determine the price list which will be updated.

The suggested value of this field is 0, causing the current issue to be updated. If another issue is to be updated, you can enter the number of the desired issue.

% Change Here you enter the percentage change. You can enter a negative or positive value. The value cannot be less than “-100,” however.

New Price List from Price List Island

Field Description
Name Here, you enter the name of the new price list. which you are creating, based on an existing price list.

If a markup percentage for the source price list exists, this percentage will be copied and used in calculating the recommended sales price, based on the new price in the field “Step 1.”

Currency Here you select the currency of the new price list.

You define currency codes in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

From Price List Here you specify on which existing price list the new price list is based.

Price lists are created in the Price Lists window.

Issue In this field, you can enter the issue number of a price list. The issue number and the field “From Price List” determine the price list on which the new price list will be based.

The suggested value of this field is 0, causing the current issue to be copied. If another issue of the price list is to be copied, you can enter the number of the desired issue.

% Change Here you enter the percentage change. You can enter a negative or positive value. The value cannot be less than “-100.”

You can, for example, create a purchase price list based on the vendor’s recommended retail price list. The percentage change will thus be the discount percentage your company gets from the vendor, and the percentage figure will be negative. You can then use the purchase price list to create item purchase orders in the Item Purchase module.

Application Here you specify whether the price list applies to sales or purchases. The pop-up field has two values: “Sales Price List” and “Purchase Price List.” Sales price lists are used in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders modules. Purchase price lists are used in the Accounts Payable and Item Purchase module. You cannot change the application of an existing price list.

Company for exchange rate calculations

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can select the company to use for the exchange rate calculations. The installation company number is used by default. It can also be used to create or update the price lists using the exchange rates for a specific company.