Show G L Report Output Data Line Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show G/L Report Output Data Line tab.

Field Description
Line No. This field shows the current line’s number in the sequence of lines. The lines are numbered consecutively in the order of their creation.
Print This field shows whether the current line is shown on printouts and in text and RTF files created from the current report. The value is derived from the field “Print” on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. On Maconomy’s internal calculation lines, however, this field is always unmarked.
Description This field shows the description of the current line. The value is derived from the field “Description” on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based.
Column 1-40 These fields show the actual data generated in the report, that is, the report contents.
Month From/Month To These fields show the values from the corresponding fields on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. If either of these fields is blank, the value from the corresponding field in the Show G/L Report Output Data tab applies instead.

Please note that the column description used on the line may cause this range to be overruled in some of the data fields (“Field 1-40”). This field therefore only represents the default range used in those columns for which the column description does not specify another range.

Year From/Year To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Month From” and “Month To.”
Company No. From/Company No. To These fields show the values from the corresponding fields on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. If either of these fields is blank, the value from the corresponding field in the Show G/L Report Output Data tab applies instead.

However, if the current line was the result of a G/L report setup line that itemizes company numbers, these fields show the actual range of company numbers whose data is shown in this field.

Please note that the column description used on the line may cause this range to be overruled in some of the data fields (“Field 1-40”). This field therefore only represents the default range used in those columns for which the column description does not specify another range.

Account No. From/Account No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From” and “Company No. To.”
Intercompany Company From/Intercompany Company To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Customer No. From/Customer No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Vendor No. From/Vendor No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Job No. From/Job No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Activity No. From/Activity No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Task From/Task To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Employee No. From/Employee No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Asset No. From/Asset No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Item No. From/Item No. To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the fields “Company No. From/Company No. To.”
Statistics 1-4 From/Statistics 1-4 To These fields show the values from the corresponding fields on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. If either of these fields is blank, the value from the corresponding field in the Show G/L Report Output Data tab applies instead.
Include subcompanies This field shows whether figures from subcompanies to the companies covered by the range in the fields “Company No. From” and “Company No. To” are included in the figures on the line. Subcompanies are included if the corresponding field is marked on the report containing the G/L report definition line on which the current output line is based. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Include subcompanies.”
Account Group This field shows that the current report line should display information about accounts in a specific account group. If the report line is assigned to a report that has been called by from another report, the value is inherited from the corresponding field on the report line that has called the current report.
Currency This field shows the currency in which the figures on the current line are shown. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Currency.” Please note that the column description used on the line may cause this currency to be overruled in some of the data fields (“Field 1-40”). This field therefore only represents the default currency used in those columns for which the column description does not specify another currency.
Exchange Rate Date This field shows the date whose exchange rates were used for converting amounts from one currency to another on the current line when the report was generated. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Exchange Rate Date.”

Please note that the column description used on the line may cause this currency to be overruled in some of the data fields (“Field 1-40”). This field therefore only represents the default exchange rate date used in those columns for which the column description does not specify another date.

Format This field shows the format applied to the current line on printouts. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Format.”
Indent This field shows by how many spaces the line description is indented on printouts. The indent does not apply when creating tab-separated files. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Indent.”
Invert Sign This field shows whether the figures on the current line have inverted signs (+/-). The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Invert Sign.”
Show 0 This field shows whether a zero or a blank value should be shown in the fields “Field 1-40” in those when a field has the value 0. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Show 0.”
Department This field shows the name of the department to which the current G/L report output line pertains.
Report No. This field shows the number of the report containing the G/L report definition line on which the current output line is based. The field “Original Line No.” shows the G/L report definition line’s table part position in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace. Using the information in this field and the field “Original Line No.,” you can thus in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace find the G/L report definition line on which the current G/L report output line is based.
Original Line No. This field shows the table part position of the G/L report definition line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. The current output line may be the result of a sub-report, meaning that the G/L report definition line on which the output line is based does not necessarily belong to the main report. Therefore, the report in question is shown in the field “Report No.” Using the information in this field and the field “Report No.,” you can thus in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace find the G/L report definition line on which the current G/L report output line is based.
Line Type This field shows what type of information is represented on the line. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Type.”
Calculation This field shows the formula used for calculating the information on the current line (if any). The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Calculation.”
Expansion No. This field is used for Maconomy support purposes only.
Itemization Level This field shows the sub-report level at which the current output line was created. The main report represents level number one. If the main report calls a sub-report, the sub-report represents level two. The sub-report, in turn, can call another sub-report which represents level 3, and so on, and when a report at a given level results in an output line, the level in question is shown in this field.
Column Description Here you enter the name of the G/L report column you have created in the G/L Report Columns workspace.
Last Printout Column This field shows which column is the rightmost one to be printed.
Line Style This field shows the name of the line style applied to the current output line. The line style determines the styles to be used on the different elements of the line when an RTF file is created for the report. The value is derived from the corresponding field on the line in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace on which the current G/L report output line is based. For information on the functionality of the field, you should therefore refer to the field “Line Style.”
Note No. This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.
Note Text This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.
Note Name This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.
File Name This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.
Note 2-3 Assigned This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.
Note 2-3, Name This field does not apply to the current version of Maconomy.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can enter a range of values for the Location dimension. If no range is specified, the dimension Location has no influence on the selection of entries displayed in the table part of the window.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”