
This section shows the Actions available in the Postponed Job Budget Copying workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Copy All Budgets Copies all pending budgets that match the selection criteria. This action will run through the queue and try to copy all pending job budgets. If an error is encountered during copying, it will be recorded on the table line. This action is intended to be primarily used by the scheduled task.
Remove All Lines Deletes all lines that are currently shown in the table part. See “Delete Job Budget Copying Element” action above for a detailed explanation of the consequences of removing a line.

Both pending and copied lines can be removed. If a pending line is removed, then no attempt to copy it from the template will be made and instead an empty budget will be created. The template budget can still be copied using the existing Copy Budget action in Job Budgets window.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Copy Budget Copies a single budget that is currently selected in the table part. This action can be invoked both on pending budgets and on those for which the copy attempt has already been made, but possibly failed.