Company Specific Payment Information Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain financial information about your company-specific customers, including payment terms, credit limits, and interest and reminder information.

You can change payment information for only one customer at a time.

If you create a company-specific customer from an enterprise-wide customer, Maconomy populates the company-specific customer's payment information automatically, using information from the enterprise-wide customer's Payment Information workspace.

The information that the new company-specific customer inherits depends on the linking rule that you assigned to the company-specific customer in question.

The ability to enter, change, or view a value in each field depends on the setup of the linking rule that you assigned to the company-specific customer, if any. For more information about linking rules, see the description of the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module.

If you change the information on a company-specific customer's payment information card, Maconomy updates the Changed by, Date (of the change), and Version No. fields.

It is recommended that you print and file the company-specific payment information each time that you make a change in this workspace or in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace. You print the current payment information by using the Print This action in the File menu.

Note: All registrations are made on the company customer. Your linking rule and company customer setup define where you can use the customer.