Import Data Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Import Data tab.

Import Island

Field Description
Data Agent In this field, you select the data agent for the import of data. The choice of data agent will determine which conversion table Maconomy will use for the conversion of the imported data to entries in line with Maconomy’s dimension structure. When the import is started, Maconomy will ensure that the identification number in the import file corresponds to the identification number assigned to the current data agent in the Data Agents workspace.
Import Mode In this field, you enter the import mode you wish to use in connection with the import. The import mode will determine how different types of data, for example, G/L data and vendor data, are to be treated during the import. The import mode in this field will, however, only be used if no import mode assigned to the data agent fits the type of the imported data.

Journal Information Island

Field Description
Trans. No. In this field, you enter the transaction number you wish to use for the entries created as a result of the data import. This transaction number is only used if no transaction number series is assigned to respectively the data agent or on each individual line in the imported file.
Trans. Type In this field you enter the transaction type you wish to use for the entries created as result of the data import. This transaction type is only used if there is no default transaction type defined on the data agent or on each individual line in the imported file.
Entry Description In this field, you enter a posting text. The text is used for all entries created during an import of data. Maconomy will use the following order of priority to determine which posting text to transfer:
  1. If a posting text has been entered on the import line, this text will be used.
  2. If no posting text has been entered on the import line, Maconomy will use the standard text entered in the window Import Modes.
  3. If no text has been entered for the import mode, Maconomy will use the standard text which has been assigned to the relevant data agent.
  4. If no text has been assigned to the data agent, Maconomy will use the posting text entered in this field. If no text was entered here, the text “Import” will be used instead.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Run No. In this field, you can enter the run number of a previous import.

The effect of this field is dependent upon whether the specified import has been processed or whether the import was interrupted at some stage. If the import phase was completed, the field “Processed” in the Show Imported Files workspace is checked for that particular import. In such cases, Maconomy will reprint the log report which was generated when the import was performed. If the run was interrupted, for example, due to a power failure, Maconomy will continue the import. In the window imported files you can see the status of the import process in the fields “Read,” “Converted,” and “Processed.”

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select the layout you wish to use for the printout of the log report which is automatically created when the report is performed. The log report shows, among other things, the number of lines imported as well as how many entries and erroneous entries Maconomy created during the import. If no other layouts have been created using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, “Standard” is the only option.