Vendor Entry Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor Entry tab.

Payment Selection Island

Field Description
Latest Due Date Enter the cut-off date for selection of entries for payment. If an entry’s due date is on or before this date, it will be selected for payment. If the entry is not approved, it will not be selected. You must enter a date.
Blanket Payment Date Enter the payment date to be applied to all of the payments included in the payment selection, both blanket payments and separate payments.
Overwrite Settled If this field is marked, settled entries will be included in the payment selection, and entries already settled will be canceled. Entries can be selected in the window A/P Open Entry Reconciliation. If this field is not marked, entries for reconciliation will not be included.
Include Cash Discount If this field is marked, the current payment selection will include any cash discounts granted in accordance with the cash discount terms indicated on the vendor invoices in question.

A cash discount is automatically calculated by Maconomy if the calculation date is later than the cash discount date for the current vendor invoice, and if today’s date is before this cash discount date. Note that if tax adjustment has been selected on the current vendor’s cash discount term, the cash discount amount displayed on the print of this window will include tax. If tax adjustment has not been selected, the cash discount amount will be exclusive of tax. Terms for cash discounts inclusive of adjustment of tax are entered in the pop-up field “Cash Discount Codes” in the Set-Up module. The print of the selection also shows a detailed specification of any discount granted.

Remittance Text In this field you can enter a remittance text. For a more detailed description, see the document on automatic payment for the selected payment format and the description of the window Show Payment Remittance.

Selected for Payment Island

Field Description
Remainder, Approved This field displays any approved amount that has not yet been paid.
Payment This field displays the payment.
Being Paid This field displays the amount being paid.
Discount This field displays the discount amount.
Discount % This field displays the percentage used to calculate the discount amount.

Entry Island

Field Description
Debit, Currency This is the debit entry amount in the vendor's currency. Debit entries are created when you register vendor credit memos in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Credit, Currency This is the credit entry amount in the vendor's currency. Credit entries are created when you register vendor invoices in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Debit, Base This field displays the debit entry amount in the base currency.
Credit, Base This field displays the credit entry amount in the base currency.
Remainder, Currency This field displays how much of the original amount of the entry is yet to be paid or reconciled. If a discount is specified on the line, Maconomy automatically deducts the discount amount from the remainder in this field.

The field is maintained by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.

Remainder, Base This field displays any amount in the vendor’s standard currency that has not been reconciled.
Original Amount This field displays the original amount of the entry.
Possible Cash Discount, Original This field displays any cash discount that can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date in the original currency of the entry.
Possible Cash Discount % This field displays any cash discount percentage that can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor.
Vendor Name This field shows the name of the vendor.
Pay to Vendor No. This field shows the vendor number.
Currency This field shows the delivery vendor’s currency which is the same as the currency of the settling-company specific vendor.

Remarks Island

This field displays any remarks regarding the current collection order.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This field displays the number of the current invoice. The number is the vendor invoice number and is retrieved from the window Vendor Invoices. It cannot be changed here.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date of the current invoice.
Invoice Received Date This field shows the date when you received the vendor invoice.
Entry Date This field displays the invoice’s entry date.
Description This field displays a description of the invoice.
Trans. No. This field displays the invoice transaction number.
Transaction Type This field displays the transaction type of the vendor entry.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Journal No. This field displays the number of the posting journal to which the entry was posted.
Journal Line No. This field displays the number of the line on which the entry occurs in the journal shown in the field “Journal No.”
Entry Type This field displays the entry type of the individual entry, such as “Expense Sheet.”
Approved This check box indicates whether the entry has been approved.
Approved By This field displays the name of the person who approved the entry.
Approved Date This field displays the date on which the entry was approved, if it has been approved.
Disclosable This field specifies whether there is an obligation of disclosure attached to the entry. This field is used, for example, if the vendor is a person for whom special taxation rules apply.
Open/Closed This field specifies whether the entry is open or closed. A vendor invoice or credit memo is open until it has been paid or reconciled. A payment, discount, or exchange rate entry is always registered as closed.
Due Date This is the entry's due date. The due date is calculated from the invoice date and the vendor's payment terms. The date determines whether the entry is selected for payment when you create payment selections. The entry is selected if the due date is on or before the due date in the card part of the window.

The value was specified when the vendor invoice was registered. It can be changed here.

Date Posted This field displays the date on which the entry was posted to the accounts payable and general ledger.
Time Posted This field displays the time at which the entry was posted to the accounts payable and general ledger.
Cash Discount Date This field displays a cash discount date, if any, assigned to the current vendor entry. The date shown in this field is the latest date on which a payment should take place if a cash discount is to be granted for the current vendor invoice.
Responsible This field displays the name of the person who is responsible for approving the entry.
Company of Origin This field displays the company that initiated the displayed vendor entry.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the settling company number of the vendor entry’s settling-company specific vendor.
Company Name This field shows the name of the settling company of the vendor entry’s settling-company specific vendor.
Base Currency This field shows the currency of the settling company of the vendor entry’s settling-company specific vendor.

Payment Island

Field Description
Vendor Payment No. This field displays the vendor payment number.
Pay when Paid This check box indicates whether payment when paid applies to the invoice in question.
Paid by Customer This check box indicates whether the customer of the job in question has paid the amount due for the job entry. This field is only marked if all job entries created as a result of the allocation of the vendor invoice have all been invoiced and paid, or otherwise closed (for example, written off).
Ready for Payment This check box indicates whether the current entry is ready for payment.
Payment Mode Select the payment mode, for example, check.
Check Book This field displays the check book used in connection with payment of the current vendor entry.
Payment Agent This field displays the customer payment agent whose format you want to use for the current entry.
Payment Form This field displays the payment form selected for this entry.
Fixed Exchange Rate at Payment This field displays the prevailing currency exchange rate at the time of payment.
Payment Description Enter a code for the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice. Maconomy uses the payment description in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors.
Import Date Enter the date on which the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice were imported. Maconomy uses the import date in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the Payment Files window in the Banking module.
Card Type Code Enter the vendor invoice card type code. It is used by Maconomy to create payment files for the electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the Payment Files window in the Banking module. If you enter neither a card type code nor a payer identification, the vendor’s standard card type code is copied to the vendor entry when the invoice is posted. This card type code is entered in the “Card Type Code” field in the Payment Control window.
Payer Identification Enter the vendor invoice’s payer identification. It is used by Maconomy to create payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the Payment Files window in the Banking module. If you enter neither a card type code or payer identification, the vendor’s standard payer identification is copied to the vendor entry when the invoice is posted. This payer identification is entered in the “Payer Identification” field in the Payment Control window. Maconomy checks that the value entered is a correct payer identification.
Giro Enter the giro number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Bank Acc. No. Enter the bank account number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Reg. No. Enter the registration number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Credit Card No. Enter the credit card number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
CPC No. Enter the CPC number assigned to the pay-to vendor.
Credit Memo Due Date This field displays the due date assigned to the credit memo. The due date is calculated from the credit memo date and the customer’s payment terms.
Amount Being Paid, Base This field shows the amount being paid in base currency.
Amount Being Paid, Enterprise This field shows the amount being paid in enterprise currency.
Reconciliation Date This field shows the latest entry date for the current entry and all the entries that have been reconciled against the current entry.
Entry Reconciliation Date This field shows the date for when the entry was reconciled.
Debit, Enterprise This is the debit entry amount in the enterprise currency. Debit entries are created when you register vendor credit memos in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Credit, Enterprise This is the credit entry amount in the enterprise currency. Credit entries are created when you register vendor invoices in a vendor invoice journal or a general journal.
Remainder, Enterprise This field displays how much of the original amount of the entry is yet to be paid or reconciled, in enterprise currency. If a discount is specified on the line, Maconomy automatically deducts the discount amount from the remainder in this field This field is maintained by Maconomy and cannot be changed manually.
Tax, Base This field shows the Tax amount from the vendor invoice in base currency. The amount is only having a value on vendor entries created from a vendor invoice.
Tax, Enterprise This field shows the Tax amount from the vendor invoice in enterprise currency. The amount is only having a value on vendor entries created from a vendor invoice.
Tax, Original This field shows the Tax amount from the vendor invoice in currency of the vendor invoice. The amount is only having a value on vendor entries created from a vendor invoice.