Pending Job Actions Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Pending Job Actions sub-tab.

Pending job actions are ordered in the table part according to the type (Description), Date (the date when the problem was created), and Related Empl. No. (pointing to a person who may be able to resolve the problem).

Field Description
Category This field assigns one of the six categories to each pending job action.
Description This field shows the type of the pending action. The field may, for example, contain text such as "Subjob not closed.”
Details This field shows the relevant details about the pending action.

If, for example, the description is "Subjob not closed,” this field would contain the text "Subjob number," followed by the number of the subjob. In other words, this field contains key information about the pending job action.

Related Empl. No. This field can show the number of an employee who may be able to help solve a problem related to an item listed in this table.
Related Empl. Name For time sheets that must be submitted, Maconomy suggests the employee on the time sheet, and for time sheets that must be approved, Maconomy suggests the approver.

This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Related Empl. No.”

Date This field shows the date when the condition preventing the job from closing arose. For example, it would contain the first entry date of an unsubmitted expense sheet.
Prevents Job Closing This field tells you whether the pending job action prevents the related job from being closed.