Company Overview Workspace

Use this workspace to see a high-level overview of a company's financial status, including predefined metrics that correspond to financial highlights.

It includes basic company information, key employee information, finance, and other company metrics.

Many metrics are included by default, but you can also add almost any figure that appears on a G/L report.

As a start, Maconomy supports a total of 20 finance metrics.

The Company Overview workspace includes:
  • Basic company information, such as company number, name, address, phone, and bank account.
  • Information about key employees in the company.
  • Finance metrics, such as income statement and balance sheet highlights. These metrics are figures that Maconomy extracts from G/L reports. Before you can include these metrics in this workspace, you must define the proper G/L reports and metrics. Define the reports using the G/L Report Columns and G/L Report Set-Up workspaces, and define the metrics using the G/L Report Metrics workspace. To get up-to-date metrics, you must generate the source G/L reports for the given company and fiscal year before you review the Company Overview.
  • Other company metrics, such as details about customers, vendors, and employees are provided as a standard set of key metrics, which you cannot customize.