Show Job Invoice Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Job Invoice tab.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This is the number of the customer who was invoiced.

The other lines contain the customer’s name and address. They are retrieved from the window Jobs.

Attn. This is the customer’s attention person to whom payment information is directed. It is retrieved from the window Jobs.
Country This is the customer’s country code. It is retrieved from the window Jobs.

Price Island

Field Description
Invoice Currency This is the currency the job was invoiced in. It is specified in the Job Information window.

Billing Price Total This is the sum of the billing prices shown in the table part of the job invoice.

Billing Price Total

This is the total line billing price in the job's currency.

Invoice Discount % This is the percentage used to calculate the invoice discount. It is retrieved from the Job Information card.
Invoice Discount This is the invoice discount deducted from the invoice. It is retrieved from the Job Information card, where it was entered as a percentage.
Tax This is the tax Maconomy calculated for the invoice. It is added to the invoice automatically.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Total Tax,” “Tax 1,” “Tax 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax 3.” The “Total Tax” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Net on Account This field shows how much of the job price was invoiced on account and deducted from the final job invoice. If you are looking at an invoice on account, this field will show “0.00.”
Tax on Account This field shows how much tax has been added to any invoices on account for the job. It is deducted from the final job invoice. If you are looking at an invoice on account, this field will show “0.00.”

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Total Tax on Account,” “Tax on Account 1,” “Tax on Account 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax on Account 3.” The “Total Tax on Account” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Balance Due This is the amount (in the job’s currency) which is due from the bill-to customer. It is the total billing price, less any invoices on account and including tax.
Std. Currency This is the bill-to customer’s currency. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card in the Accounts Receivable module.
Total In Standard This is the amount from the “Balance Due” field converted into the bill-to customer’s currency.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer for whom the job was done. The other lines in this field show the ship-to customer’s name and address. They are retrieved from the window Jobs.
Attn. This is the ship-to customer’s attention person to whom shipping information is directed. It is retrieved from the window Jobs.
Country This is the customer’s country code. It is retrieved from the window Jobs.

Detailed Specification Island

Field Description
Show Select this field to show the lines from the detailed section below the summary section.
Contains Detailed Specification This field indicates whether the invoice contains lines in the Detailed specification section.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This is the number of the job invoice. If you cannot remember the number of a job, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. The invoice number series is defined in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.
Printed This field is marked by Maconomy if the invoice has been printed. You may want to reprint the invoice in at least two cases:
  1. If the invoice was, for example, damaged in the printer or otherwise lost before sent to the customer.
  2. If you need a copy for your own use or to send to the customer (if, for example, the customer claims to have misplaced the invoice).

In case number 1, you will want to be able to print an exact copy of the invoice. To do this, remove the mark in this field and select “Print This” in the File menu, or select “Print…” in the File menu and mark the field “Incl. Printed” in the island Print Control before printing the selected invoices. When the invoice is reprinted, this field is marked again automatically.

In case number 2, you may want to include an indication that the printed invoice is, in fact, a reprint. To do this, simply reprint the invoice without removing the mark in this field or marking the field “Incl. Printed” in the window Print Job Invoice. If the MPL variable “@ReprintOfInvoiceText” has been added to the invoice layout using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, a language-dependent text will be printed on the invoice. This text is taken from the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module and is displayed in the invoice language.

The new printout is only a copy of the original invoice, and does not affect the accounts.

Job No. This is the number of the job to which the invoice pertains. If it is a blanket invoice, this field shows the lowest job number of the jobs included in the job invoice. However, if the system parameter “Blanket invoicing per main job” is marked, the field shows the job number of the invoiced main job.
Invoice Name This field shows the name of the invoice, which is derived from the job.
Invoice Date This is the date the invoice was issued.
Due Date This is the date the invoice becomes due. It is calculated automatically from the invoice date and terms of payment.
Department This is the department associated with the job.
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see “Multiple Companies” in “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany entries are described in the Intercompany Accounts window in the G/L module.

Reference This is the reference entered in the “Ref.” field in the window Jobs.
Tax No. This is the invoice’s tax number. It is retrieved from the window Job Information.
Draft Created This field shows the name of the user who created the draft invoice (that is, who approved the invoice selection) and the date on which the draft invoice was created.
Invoice Approved This field shows the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing and the date on which the job was approved for invoicing.
Invoice Printed This field shows the name of the user who printed out the last invoice, currently shown in the window, and the date on which it was last printed. The name and date are not altered during reprint.
Invoice Supplement Name Enter the invoice supplement name to use in the invoice.