Approval Lists Workspace

Use this workspace to approve or defer for payment the individual invoice allocation lines on a vendor invoice that has been allocated and posted.

Alternatively, use the Approve Invoices workspace to approve invoices as a whole.

You allocate invoice lines in the Invoice Allocation workspace or the Reallocate Invoices workspace. You can approve credit memo lines individually in a similar way.

When you have approved all of the allocation lines that belong to the same invoice, Maconomy sees the whole invoice as having been approved. You can approve invoices as a whole in the Approve Invoices workspace.

You can either select invoice allocation lines as approved or with a deferment cause that indicates that the line cannot immediately be approved by the holder of approval. Such deferred lines can be approved later, for example, when a credit memo is entered that corresponds to the deferred line. In this case both the credit memo and the previously rejected invoice line must be flagged as approved.

The tab of this workspace consists of selection criteria for specifying the sub-tab lines that you want to display. You can display all finished (approved) invoice lines per holder of approval and opt to leave out deferred lines.

In the Print Approval List workspace you can print a list of nonapproved invoices or invoice lines per holder of approval.