Surcharge Distribution Type

The surcharge type can be used on calculation and salary lines.

The surcharge type enables you to specify a reference line and then automatically have the periods and total calculated, depending on the values on the reference line. On salary lines however, no reference line is specified since calculations are based on the monthly salary of the associated employee.

There are two surcharge types: the percentage and factor types.

When the percentage type is used, each period is calculated as the percentage (specified in the surcharge value of the period) of the associated period on the reference line. For example, period 2 on the reference line is 500.00 and the surcharge value for period 2 on the calculation line is 20, then period 2 on the calculation line is assigned the amount 100.00, representing 20% of 500.00. The summed percentage across all surcharge periods need not be 100, as it does for allocations.

When the factor type is used, each period is calculated as the product of the surcharge value of the same period and the associated period on the reference line. For example, if period 3 on the reference line is 200.00 and the surcharge value for period 3 is 4.5, then period 3 on the calculation line is set to 900.00, or 4.5 x 200.00 = 900.00.

As with allocations, you can create surcharge keys on the template. These keys can then be referred to from calculation and salary lines, without having to specify the surcharge type and values manually. As with the allocation keys, if a surcharge key is updated on the template, then all calculation and salary lines using this surcharge key are updated as well.