Job Surcharge Rule Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Surcharge Rule Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
% Sales Price If the specified allocation combination activates the job surcharge rule, a surcharge is calculated using the value in this field. If, for instance, you enter “5” in this field, the job surcharge is calculated as 5 percent of the sales price of the activities causing the job surcharge.
Activity Type Use this field to specify that the given surcharge line only applies to Time or Amount activities.
Activity No. From Using this field and the field “Activity No. To,” you can specify a range of activities. A job registration must fall within this range to activate the current job surcharge rule line. If you do not enter a range, activity numbers are not considered in determining whether the current line is to be activated. Note that in order for the line to be activated, the registration must lie within all ranges specified on the surcharge rule line.
Activity No. To Using this field and the field “Activity No. From,” you can specify a range of activities. A job registration must fall within this range to activate the current job surcharge rule line. If you do not enter a range, activity numbers are not considered in determining whether the current line is to be activated. Note that for the line to be activated, the registration must lie within all ranges specified on the surcharge rule line.
Employee No. From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Employee No. To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Task From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Task To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Entry Date From Use the field to specify that the surcharge line only applies to entries with an entry date including and after a given date. Surcharge at invoicing on account is calculated as of the preferred invoice date or current date, if the former is blank. Surcharge on job budgets is calculated as of the current date.
Entry Date To The end of the date range described above.
Location From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Location To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Entity From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Entity To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Project From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Project To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Purpose From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Purpose To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Spec. 1-3 From The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Activity No. From” above.
Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Activity No. To” above.
Derived Activity No. In this field, you can enter the activity number to be used on job surcharges created from the current surcharge rule line. If you enter a time activity, you must also enter an employee. If you want job surcharges to be the last lines on quotes and invoices, the activities used for job surcharges should be assigned high numbers, as the lines are sorted by number. This field must be completed.

If you do not enter an activity number, but you specify other dimensions to be derived from the line, surcharges created from the current line will be assigned the activity number of the entry activating the surcharge. If you neither specify an activity number nor any other dimension values (including employee and task) on the line, surcharges created from the current line will be added to the job entry activating the job surcharge.

Derived Employee No. In this field, you can enter the employee number to be used on job surcharges created from the current surcharge rule line, if a time activity has been specified on the line.

If you do not enter an employee number, but you specify other dimensions to be derived from the line, surcharges created from the current line will be assigned the employee number of the entry activating the surcharge. If you neither specify an employee number nor any other dimension values (including activity number and task) on the line, surcharges created from the current line will be added to the job entry activating the job surcharge.

Derived Task In this field, you can enter the task to be used on job surcharges created from the current surcharge rule line. Please note that if you specify a task, the current surcharge rule line will only be used in connection with registrations on jobs assigned to task lists which contain the task specified in this field.

If you do not enter a task name, but you specify other dimensions to be derived from the line, surcharges created from the current line will be assigned the task of the entry activating the surcharge. If you neither specify a task nor any other dimension values (including activity number and employee) on the line, surcharges created from the current line will be added to the job entry activating the job surcharge.

Derived Location In this field, enter the location to be used on job surcharges created from the current surcharge rule line. If you do not enter a location, the location on the surcharge will be retrieved from the budget line which caused the surcharge.

If you do not enter a location, but you specify other dimensions, to be derived from the line, surcharges created from the current line will be assigned the location of the entry activating the surcharge. If you neither specify a location nor any other dimension values on the line (including activity number, employee, and task), surcharges created from the current line will be added to the job entry activating the job surcharge.

Derived Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Derived Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Derived Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Derived Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.