Subscription Order Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscription Order Lines tab.

Subscription Line Island

Field Description
Subscrip. Order No. This field shows the number of the subscription order to which the current subscription order line is assigned.
Line No. This field shows the number of the current subscription order line.

Subscription Island

Field Description
Subscription No. This field shows the number of the subscription to which the current subscription line is assigned.
Subscription Text This field shows the text which is entered as subscription description in the first language on the subscription information card.
External Subscr. Text This field shows the text which describes the subscription on external papers as, for example, packing slips.
Quantity This field shows the quantity of issues to be delivered to the customer. The quantity is reached by multiplying the quantity entered in the corresponding field on the subscription information card by the quantity entered in the corresponding field on the current subscription order.
Time Unit If the subscription is periodical, this field shows the time unit entered along with the price. If the time unit is, for example, a year, the price of the subscription corresponds to the price of a yearly subscription.
Order Date This field shows the date of receipt of the subscription order.
Subscription Status This field shows the status of the subscription. You can define subscription statuses in the window Popup Field in the set-up module without any restrictions.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the subscription order. The number is transferred from the island Company in the window Subscription Orders. This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the current subscription order line.

If the company in this field is different from the one shown in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances at the posting of the invoice created as a result of the order. In the intercompany balance, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is determined, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.” Intercompany balances are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Name This field shows the name of the company specified in the field “Company No.” above.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This field shows the item number of the current subscription.
Description This field shows the description of the item which is assigned to the item number.
External Desc. This field shows the item description printed on all external order documents. If a translation exists for the current issue in the language specified in the card part of the order to which the current subscription order line is assigned, the translation in question is shown here. If no such translation exists, the text from the field “Subscription Description, Language 1” on the item information card is shown instead. Translations are created in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.
Internal Desc. This field shows the internal description of the item. The value is retrieved from the field “Internal Desc.” in the item information card.

Discount Island

Field Description
Quantity Disc. This field shows the calculated quantity discount on the subscription order line.
Discount % This field shows any discount % on the subscription line.
Discount This field shows any discount on the subscription line.
Discount Desc. This field shows the description of the discount on the subscription line.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the value specified for the dimension Location on the current subscription order line in the window Subscription Orders.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Price List Island

Field Description
Price List The price list in this field shows the place of origin of the prices of any issue line on the subscription order.
Price Step This field shows the current price step used for the calculation of the price.
Price at Step 1 If a price list is in use, this field shows the price of a single issue.

Ship to Customer Island

Field Description
Ship to Customer This field shows the number of the customer to whom the subscription is delivered.
Name This field shows the name of the delivery customer.
Customer Group This field shows the customer group to which the current customer is assigned.

Bill to Customer Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This field shows the name and number of the billing customer.

Period Island

Field Description
Delivery These fields show the starting and closing date of the delivery period. The period is transferred from the subscription order line.
Invoicing These fields show the starting and closing date of the invoicing period. The period is transferred from the subscription order line.
Invoiced Until This field shows the last date of the period covered by the latest invoicing.
Credit From This field shows the date from which the current subscription order line is to be credited, if such a date has been specified in the window Subscription Orders.
Next Invoicing Date This field shows the date on which the next invoicing of the current subscription will take place.

Contact Person Island

Field Description
Contact Person No. If a contact person is assigned to the subscription order in the table part of the window Subscription Orders, the contact person number is shown in this field. In the other lines in this field, the name and address of the contact person are transferred. Any changes are transferred to assigned sales orders and subscription orders with the same subscription and contact person numbers.
Attn. This field shows the attention person. The person is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter the name in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Country This field shows the contact person’s country. The country is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter the country in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Phone This field shows the contact person’s phone number. The number is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter the number in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Fax This field shows the contact person’s fax number. The number is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter the number in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Telex This field shows the contact person’s telex number. The number is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter the number in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.
E-mail This field shows the contact person’s e-mail address. The address is transferred from the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module, but you can alter it in this field. For a more detailed description of updating procedures, see the field “Contact Person No.” above.

Price Island

Field Description
Invoicing Form This field shows the selected invoicing form.
Unit Price This field shows the unit price which is used for the current issue.
Pricing Unit This field shows the pricing unit.
Extended Price This field shows the total price of the current subscription order line.
Currency This field shows the currency in which the price is stated.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show the pop-up values selected on the corresponding fields on the subscription order line.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Debit/Credit In this field, you can limit the table part to only show debit or credit lines. If no value is selected, the table part will show both debit and credit lines.
Item No. In these fields, you enter a range of item numbers. The table part will only show issues with item numbers within the specified range.
Deliv. Date In these fields, you enter a range of delivery dates. The range of dates determines the issue lines that will be shown in the table part. The table part will only show issues which are to be delivered within the specified period. By default, these fields show today’s date and today’s date plus a month, respectively.