Customer Payments Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and post customer payments.

A customer payment can be reconciled against one customer entry by entering an invoice number or a transaction number directly on the customer payment. A customer payment can also be reconciled against several customer entries in the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace. The customer payment can be reconciled both before and after the payment has been reconciled.

You can enter payment lines in multiple currencies; Maconomy converts each payment amount.

The Customer Payments sub-tab displays information about the current payment journal. In the Customer Payments sub-tab you can enter a number of lines that represent customer payments.

You can enter several customer payments in the same customer payment journal, and you can edit those entries until you post the journal.

Customer payments can be reconciled against one or multiple invoices in this workspace. You can only perform a reconciliation against posted invoices that are not already selected for reconciliation in one of the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation or General Journal. Payments workspaces. Payments that are not reconciled against an invoice when posted are posted as open customer entries. You can display and reconcile these payments the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace.

Depending on the setting of the Submission of Customer Payment Journal required system parameter, you might need to submit the journal before you can post it. In addition, you cannot post a customer payment journal until all payment lines in the journal have been released for posting. Using the Manual Release of Customer Payment" system parameter in the Set- Up module, you indicate whether payments should be released manually or that Maconomy should release them automatically. If you select this parameter, you must release all customer payments manually before you post them. If you do not select the parameter, Maconomy automatically marks customer payments as released when you enter them.

After you have entered the customer payments and released them for posting, you can post the journal in this workspace or in the Posting workspace in the G/L module. Note, however, that customer payments can only be released and posted by users who have access to these actions. Access to releasing customer payments and posting is granted in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module.