Timing Plans Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Timing Plans tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name number of the job whose budget is shown in the window. The name is entered, and can only be changed, in the Jobs window.
Job Group This field shows the name of the job group to which the current job belongs.
Status This field shows whether the current job has “Quote” or “Order” status.
Template If this field is marked, the current job is a template job. The changes you make in this window will be used by all future jobs created from this template.
Responsible This field shows the name of the employee who is responsible for the job.
Closed If this field is marked, the current job is closed. You cannot edit the traffic plan of a closed job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer assigned to the job. The name is entered in the Jobs window.

Traffic Island

Field Description
Team 1-6 In these fields you can enter up to six teams which may apply to this job. A team is a group of employees. When you enter the team number, the name is shown to the right of the number. In the table part, you can assign a team from among these teams to timing plan lines.

If the customer has a preference for a certain team or set of teams, the teams may be specified in the customer card. When a job is created for the customer, the specified teams will be copied to the job when it is created. Otherwise, the teams can be specified on the job or the template job, or teams can be changed or added in this window.

When a team is specified on a timing plan/job budget line, you are restricted to selecting among the members of that team when assigning an employee to the task on the budget line in other windows.

For information about setting up the teams, see the window Teams in the Set-Up module.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number and name of the responsible company of the job.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in the table part of the window. Every time you create a new line, the value selected here will be selected on the new line, and you may then change it to something else. Please see the description of the field “Line Type” in the table part for a description of the options in this field.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the timing plan/job budget. By selecting the action “New Revision” in the Action menu, you can make a new revision of the job budget.
Remarks In these fields, you can enter information about the current revision of the timing plan/job budget. When you choose to create a revision of the budget, the contents of these fields will be removed, allowing you to enter remarks about the new revision of the budget. These fields are the only fields in the budget which are affected by the creation of a new revision. The remarks can still be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.

Employees Island

Field Description
Project Manager In this field, you can enter the number of an employee created in the Employees window in the Set-Up module. The name of the employee is shown in the “Name” column. For further information about the functionality of the project manager, see the description of the “Project Manager No.” field in the Jobs window. In this window, the project manager information can be used in the automatic creation of teams using the “Create Teams” action.
Sales Rep. In this field, you enter the number of an employee who is registered as a sales representative in the Employees window in the Set-Up module. The name of the employee is shown in the “Name” column.

For further information about the functionality of the sales representative, see the description of the “Sales Rep. No.” field in the Jobs window. In this window, the sales representative information can be used in the automatic creation of teams using the “Create Teams” action.

Employee 1-10 In these fields, you can assign up to ten employees to the current company-specific customer. The employees will be suggested as Employees 1-10 when you create a job on the given company-specific customer