
This section shows the Actions available in the Subscription Orders workspace.

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Field Description
Approve Order When you use this action, you approve the current subscription order. A subscription order must be approved before you can carry out delivery and invoicing of issues.

If more than one warehouse has been specified for the issues assigned to a subscription, the approval causes the sales order related to the subscription order to be split up, resulting in one sales order for each warehouse.

Calculate Quantity Discount When you use this action, quantity discount is calculated on the subscription order lines created on the current subscription. Quantity discount is only calculated on periodical subscriptions.

The discount is based on a price step which is set by the total number of ordered subscriptions within each assorted item group. If an item group is entered on the subscription information card for a number of issues, these issues all belong to the same item group even though the order might involve several subscription order lines. If you, for example, create 10 lines with the same subscription number and one piece is sold on each line, the assorted quantity discount is calculated as if one line with an order of 10 items had been created. The calculation of assorted quantity discount on an order line does not influence the prices entered on the issue lines.

The calculation of graded quantity discount is carried out in the same way as described in the chapter “Sales Orders.” By graded quantity discount is meant a discount, which does not affect all items on an order line but only the quantity of items within the quantity range of each quantity discount. If you for instance grant a discount of 10% on the purchase of 2 to 4 items and 20% on the purchase of 5 to 10 items, it means that an order for 8 items will be granted no discount on the first item, a 10% discount on the next 3 items, and 20% on the last 4 items.

Get Issues When you use this action, all issues within the specified period of delivery are transferred to the current subscription order line. The transfer will also include issues or items which have no publishing date assigned to them. The transferred issues are created as delivery lines in the table part of the window Subscription Order Lines.

Issues are only transferred to a subscription order once. This means that if you repeatedly use this action, you only transfer new issues.

Print Invoice On Account When you select this action, an invoice on account is created and printed. The invoice is created on the basis of the amounts entered in the island Invoice On Account. The invoice on account is posted by accruing the amount invoiced on account exclusive of tax on the current customer’s account. The tax amount invoiced on account is posted on the account of the tax code registered on the current subscription order. At the final invoicing of the subscription order, the invoiced amount exclusive of tax and the invoiced tax amount are balanced against the amount invoiced on account and the tax amount invoiced on account, respectively.
Prepare Crediting When you select this action, you credit part or all of a subscription order line. The action can only be selected if you have entered a date in the field “Credit From” on one or several lines in the table part of the window. When you select the action, Maconomy runs the following procedure for each line on which a date has been specified in the field “Credit Until”:

The field “Invoiced Until” is automatically updated with the date specified in field “Credit Until.” Maconomy then creates a credit order line for the period between the invoice starting date and the updated date in the field “Invoiced Until.” Once the credit order line has been created, the field “Credit From” is blanked. The credit order line can be displayed and edited in the window Subscription Order Lines.

Please note that if price adjustments have taken place for a given line, the credited price for this line will be based on the price in the field “Adjusted Unit Price.” This means that the calculation of the credited amount does not take into account the fact that a different unit price may have applied in the period being credited.