Export Customer Entries Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Export Customer Entries tab.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Create File If you mark this field, Maconomy will create a file. In reprints, the mark should be removed as Maconomy will otherwise create a new file. The file is created when you select the action “Create File.”

Reprint Island

Field Description
Invoice File No. If you specify a previously run export file number in this field, the entries list will be written to a file again when you select the action “Create File.”

File Information Island

Field Description
File Name In this field, you must specify the name of the file which will contain the exported entries when you select the action “Create File.” The file is placed in your Maconomy client folder.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Payment Agent In this pop-up field, you select a payment agent whose format you want to use for the current customer entries list. The list will only show entries related to this payment agent.
Customer Payment Mode Here, you select a customer payment mode. The list will only show entries related to this payment mode.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. The entries file will only include companies within the specified range.
Customer No. In these fields, you can specify a range of customer numbers. The entries file will only include companies within the specified range.