Invoice Draft Status Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to review and approve invoice drafts if you are a project manager.

This workspace provides a quick overview of all of the outstanding invoice drafts that are assigned to you. Invoice drafts are preliminary drafts that help the invoicing department create correct invoice selections for subsequent invoice issuance. When you have approved one or more invoice drafts in this workspace, the invoice department can issue invoices based on those approved invoice drafts.

Use the Selection Criteria island to choose invoice drafts that you want to review.

The Draft Invoices sub-tab displays a line for each invoice draft that matches the selection criteria.

The Totals island displays aggregate amounts for the invoice drafts you select, as well as their approval/print status.

When you are satisfied with an invoice line, use the relevant Approve Draft and Print Draft options. The Totals island displays the total invoice amount of the drafts that are marked for approval.

Use the Approve Drafts or Print Drafts action to approve or print all marked drafts.

You cannot edit invoice drafts in this workspace. If you want to edit an invoice draft before final approval, use the Invoice Editing workspace. When you edit an invoice draft in the Invoice Editing workspace, the invoice draft must remain open for editing for it to be redisplayed and approved in the Invoice Draft Status workspace.