Stock Options Agreement Lines Sub-Tab

Use this section to register the exercisings made by the contact person to whom the agreement pertains.

Field Description
Earliest Exercising Date Allowed In this field, you can specify the first date on which the contact person is allowed to start exercising the options on the current line. The earliest exercising date can therefore be considered the vesting date. The first and last exercising dates comprise a period within which the options granted on the current line may be exercised, meaning that when registering stock option exercisings for the current line, Maconomy will only accept a posting date within this period.

The first and last exercising dates on each line must be within the period specified in the fields “First Exercising Date” and “Last Exercising Date” in the card part. If you leave one of the fields blank when creating a new line, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the card part, but you can change the date suggested.

Last Exercising Date Allowed In this field, you can specify the last date on which the contact person is allowed to start exercising the shares on the current line. For further information on the functionality of the field, see the description of the field “First Exercising Date” above.
Number of Shares In this field, you can specify the number of options which the contact person is allowed to exercise within the period specified in the fields “First Exercising Date” and “Last Exercising Date” on the current line. Maconomy checks that the number on the current line plus the sum of the numbers on the other lines in the table part does not exceed the number of shares specified in the field “Number of Shares” in the card part.

When you create a line, Maconomy suggests the number of shares remaining to be allocated in order to reach the number of shares specified in the card part.

Purchase Price of Shares In this field, specify the price at which the options on the current line are offered to the contact person, that is, the price at which the contact person can exercise the options on the current line. Maconomy suggests the stock purchase price specified in the card part of the window, but you can change the price for each line here.
Share Denomination In this field, you can specify the share denomination value per share granted on the current agreement. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the card part of the window, but you can change it here. For further information about share denomination, see the description of the field “Share Denomination” in the window Share Information Card.
Number of Shares Available This field shows the number of shares available for exercising on the current line, that is, the difference between the number in the field “No. of Shares” and the number of shares already exercised or cancelled on the current line (see the fields “Number Exercised” and “Number Cancelled”).
Transaction Type When the contact person wants to exercise stock options, the registration of the exercising takes place on the table line containing the options which the contact person wants to exercise. An exercising is registered by selecting “Exercise” in this field, entering the number of shares to be exercised in the field “Number of Shares, Transaction,” and specifying the date on which the exercising takes place in the field “Posting Date.” Once this information has been entered on all lines for which options are to be exercised, select the action “Register Transaction” to carry out the transaction. This causes the specified shares to be registered as exercised and the field “Number Available” on each line to be updated. Maconomy creates a stock option agreement transaction entry for each line on which shares were exercised. These entries can be viewed in the window Stock Option Exercisings, allowing you to keep track of the exercisings made by each contact person.

It is also possible to cancel stock options. If, for instance, an employee leaves the company, thus forfeiting the shares that he or she has not yet exercised, you can cancel the employee’s remaining options by registering a cancellation transaction for the remaining number of shares. The procedure for cancelling options is similar to registering exercisings. However, you specify “Cancellation” in this field instead of “Exercising.” When you select the action “Register Transaction,” the number of shares specified in the field “Number of Shares, Transaction” is cancelled, causing the available number of shares on the line to be reduced accordingly. Maconomy creates a stock option agreement transaction entry for each line on which cancellations were registered.

Both exercisings and cancellations specified in the table part are carried out when the action “Register Transaction” is selected.

Posting Date, Transaction When registering exercisings and cancellations on a given line, specify in this field the date on which the shares are to be exercised or cancelled. For further information on exercising and cancelling options, see the description of the field “Transaction” above.
Number of Shares, Transaction When registering exercisings and cancellations on a given line, specify in this field the number of shares to be exercised or cancelled, depending on the type of transaction. For further information on exercising and cancelling options, see the description of the field “Transaction” above.
Stock Market Price, Transaction When registering exercisings and cancellations on a given line, specify in this field the market price of the shares at the time at which the transaction takes place. If you leave the field blank and if a share price applying to the date specified in the field “Posting Date” on the current line has been specified for the stock in question, Maconomy suggests that price. Share prices for stocks on specific dates are specified in the table part of the window Stock Information Card. For further information on exercising and cancelling options, see the description of the field “Transaction” above.
Number Exercised This field shows the total number of shares exercised on the current line. Each time a transaction of the type “Exercising” is carried out for the line, Maconomy adds the number of shares exercised to this field.
Total Canceled This field shows the total number of cancelled, exercised shares for the line. Each time a transaction of the type “Cancellation” is carried out for the line, Maconomy adds the number of shares cancelled to this field.

Last Possible exercise date In this field, you can specify a deadline for entering exercising information on the current line. Whereas the fields “First Exercising Date” and “Last Exercising Date” comprise a period within which the posting date of all exercisings on the line must fall, this field is used for specifying the last date on which exercising registration can be entered on the current line. This means that after this date, it is no longer possible to specify “Exercising” in the field “Transaction.” However, cancellations can still be entered after the deadline.

The field is used if, for example, an employee has resigned and must decide whether to exercise his or her options by a certain date.

When this date has passed, the options can no longer be exercised.

Selected Value 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of values for further specification of the agreement. You can only specify values that are available in the respective option lists specified on the card. If a given option list field on the card has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field. The fields can be used for further specification of the agreement.

If a value has been entered in the corresponding field in the card, this value will be suggested when you create a line.

Date1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of dates that relate to the current stock option agreement type. When a stock option agreement of the current type is crated, the dates specified in this field are also suggested in the corresponding fields in the card part of the new agreement.
Amount 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of amounts that relate to the current stock option agreement type. When a stock option agreement of the current type is created, the amounts specified in this field are also suggested in the corresponding fields in the card part of the new agreement.
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of remarks about the current stock option agreement. The fields are for information only.