Periodic Job Budgets Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create and edit periodic job budgets. You can allocate budgeted quantities and cost and sales prices of each job budget line to financial periods.

Use periodic job budgets for making forecasts when you enter budgeted costs and sales. If you have created a job budget for a job that spans several months, the Job Budgets workspace does not tell you when you can enter a budgeted quantity of consulting hours as costs or invoiced. Therefore, you can use this workspace to define the periods when users should enter the activities on the budget lines, to give you an overview of a job's budgeted cash flow within a given time frame.

This workspace is an expansion of the Job Budgets workspace and provides information about all of the job budgets that you create in the Job Budgets workspace. With the linking between the workspaces, you can submit, approve, and reopen an item in either workspace.

This linking also applies to revisions. Revisions of a job budget in this workspace apply to that budget in the Job Budgets workspace. If you delete a job budget/job budget line in this workspace, it also applies to the Job Budgets workspace. If you have not created a job budget for a job, you can create the job budget in this workspace.

In the Job Budget Follows Periodic Job Budget field in the Properties island in the Periodic Job Budgets tab, you can choose whether or not changes that you make to allocations of quantities and prices on periods should also carry over to the regular job budget lines.

The Periodic Job Budgets tab shows general information about a job and the budget limits assigned to it. Enter a time span for a period to display a job's total budgeted quantities, costs, and sales prices. When you define this overall period, Maconomy automatically splits the period into up to six consecutive periods shown in the Budget island. For example, if you have specified an overall period ranging from January 2015 to June 2015, Maconomy splits this period into six consecutive months shown in the Budget island.

A period can be a month, a quarter, half a year, or one year. The Budget island is dynamic so that you can change the view as needed. Use drop-down fields to select the periods. For example, this workspace can display figures for a period that consists of six months, six quarters, or two months, two quarters.
Note: You define period start and end dates in the Fiscal Year workspace in the G/L module.

If you enter figures for the months of the year (such as 2015) in the Job Budget Lines sub-tab, the Budget island displays these figures. If you then change the view of these figures to quarters in the Budget island, Maconomy sums the figures and displays them in quarters in the island. When you change the view back to months, the figures are again auto-configured.

Because you do not need to allocate quantities on a budget line to a period, the Budget island details allocated and non-allocated hours and amounts, respectively.

Use the Job Budget Lines sub-tab to enter budget lines and define periods for the costs and sales of each line's activity. This sub-tab is a grid with variable slots, and each slot covers a period of a month, a quarter, half a year, or one year, depending on your selection in the Periodic Job Budgets tab. For example, if you select the period type Month for the entire period from January 2015 to June 2015 in the tab, the sub-tab displays each month in a slot unit. For each of these slot units, four fields are available, and these fields are automatically populated with a text that corresponds to the current selections. If you select the month of January 2015 in the tab, the sub-tab displays the following four fields: Jan. 15, Quantity, Jan. 15, Cost Total, Jan. 15, Quantity Sales and Jan. 15, Sales Total, Currency. On each budget line, enter the budgeted quantities and prices for costs and sales for the defined periods. The sub-tab also links a number of fields to similar fields in the Job Budgets workspace. Information that you enter in this workspace is displayed in the Job Budgets workspace and vice-versa.

Maconomy calculates all prices on the basis of information from job price lists, item price lists, employee or activity information cards, and information specified in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module.

If you need to reallocate an entire budget to new periods, enter a new starting date for the budget and use the Reallocate Budget action. In this way, you do not need to manually change the figures for all periods, if, for example, the starting date of the budget is postponed for a number of months.

Note that only certain users can make changes to job budgets. For access, select the Can Change Job Budget field in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module.

If the job that this workspace displays is a template job, you can only create budget lines for the job if you have entered certain information, such as country, currency, and company tax code. If you do not have this information, an error appears. If you remove the necessary information from a job, Maconomy deletes all periodic job budget information from that job.

You can print all of the information that this workspace displays using the Print Periodic Job Budgets workspace.