Price Registers Workspace

Use this workspace to create and maintain price registers.

A price register specifies one year's price changes within certain price areas. Use price registers when you create budget models based on existing budget models and to control the budget.

Use the Price Register tab to view and edit information about the individual price register, including which fiscal year the price register applies to. The Price Areas sub-tab displays index values for price projection for all price areas. This index value specifies the price projection for the year to which the price register projects prices.

You can also specify whether the current price register is the primary price register for the fiscal year to which it applies. The primary price register is the default price register, used to project prices when no other price register exists.

If a given selection criterion falls within multiple price areas, Maconomy uses the price area that is listed first in the Price Areas sub-tab.

If no price register exists for a given year, Maconomy projects prices using an index value of 100.

You can block a price register, which prevents Maconomy from using it to project prices. You cannot delete a price register.