Print Understock Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Understock Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse Here you can select a warehouse. The understock list will then only include items in the specified warehouse.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. The understock list will only include items assigned to warehouses whose company lies within the specified range.
Item No. Here you can enter a range of item numbers. The understock list will then only include items within the specified range.
Item Group In this field, you can select an item group. The understock list will then only include items belonging to the specified group.
Item Type In this field, you can select an item type. The understock list will then only include items of the specified type.
Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can specify a range of statistics codes. The understock list will then only include items with statistic codes within the specified range.
Vendor Here you can enter a range of vendor numbers. The understock list will then only include items from vendors within this range.
Buyer Here you can enter a range of buyers. The understock list will then only include items from vendors with buyers within this range.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Show Underst. Only If this field has been marked, the understock list will only contain an overview of the items whose order volume is larger than the total stock. In other words, the printout will only contain a list the items in order, which outnumber the same items in stock.
Layout Here you select the layout of the shortage list. The layout determines how the information in the list is sorted. The pop-up field has two options: “Sorted by Warehouse” and “Vendor,” which sorts by vendor number.