BOM Elements Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the BOM Elements Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item No. Here you specify which items the BOM is composed of. Items are created in the Item Information Card window. An item can appear several times in the same BOM and it can also be a BOM itself. There is no limit to how many levels a BOM can consist of.

If you cannot remember the number of an item, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.

Quantity Here you enter how many units of the item are on this particular line in the BOM.
Description This is the item text. It is retrieved from the Item Information Card window. It cannot be changed here.
Extra Text Here you can specify an extra text to further describe the BOM part. This text is printed on order documents. If an item appears more than once in the BOM, and has different functions, you make the distinction here.
Price Ratio % Here you enter the percentage used to price the item in the Sales Orders module. When a BOM is being priced, Maconomy finds the price of the item on the highest level in the BOM with price control and allocates it to the items on levels beneath it using this percentage. The prices are then added up again to give the price of the BOM header.

The price ratio percentage given in the “Price Ratio %” field applies to the total quantity of the item in the BOM. If the number here is 4, for example, the price ratio % for the item is 20, and the BOM is priced at $1,000 in a price list, the BOM part line will be priced at $200 in an order line, which gives a unit price of $50, provided the item’s pricing unit is 1. If it is not, the unit price is calculated to give a line price of $200.

The percentages here are totaled in the “Control %” field in the card part of the window. If the BOM is being itemized in the Sales Orders module, the sum must be exactly 100.

Cost This is the BOM part’s cost value in the warehouse selected in the card part. The cost is retrieved from the table part of the item information card. If no warehouse is selected in the card part, or if not all of the BOM parts are assigned to the selected warehouse, all cost prices in both the card and table parts of the window are shown as 0.

The cost in this field is multiplied by the number in the “Quantity” field and divided by the pricing unit of the BOM part. This will produce the BOM line’s share of the cost in the “Cost” field in the card part of the window.

Bill of Materials This field shows whether the BOM part itself is a BOM. If this field is marked, it means the item is created as a BOM in the Item Information Card window. If this field is blank, the item is a standard item. You cannot change the value here.
Inventory Control This field shows whether the BOM part has inventory control. The value is retrieved from the Item Information Card window. You cannot change the value here.
Price Control This field shows whether the BOM part has price control. You cannot change the value here. All standard items have price control. If the item is a BOM, you can assign price control in the item's own BOM Information Card.