Update Item Reservations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Update Item Reservations Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse In this field, you can select a warehouse. Only sales and back order lines on which this warehouse is specified are included in the update.
Item No. In these fields, you can specify a range of item numbers. Only sales and back order lines concerning items within this range are included in the update.
Delivery Date In these fields, you can specify a range of delivery dates. Only sales and back order lines with delivery dates within this range are included in the update.
Order No. In these fields, you can specify a range of sales order numbers.

For sales order lines, this means that only lines on orders whose number lies within this range are included in the update. For back order lines, the update only includes lines whose latest assignment to a sales order was to an order whose number lies within this range.

Item Purchase Order No. In these fields, you can specify a range of item purchase order numbers. You can only specify a range in this field if the field “From Item Purchase Orders” is marked.

When a range is specified, Maconomy only updates order lines concerning the items present on the item purchase orders within the specified range.

As described above, part of this field’s functionality is to specify a range of items, but you can also enter a range of items in the “Item No.” fields. If you do so in addition to specifying a range of item purchase orders, the update will include only the items matching both criteria.

From Item Purchase Orders If you mark this field, the range of items to be included in the update will be indicated by the field “Item Purchase Order No.” as well as the field “Item No.,” as Maconomy will only update order lines concerning the items present on the item purchase orders within the specified range. If you do not mark the field, you cannot enter a range of item purchase order numbers. For a description of the effects of entering a selection of items through both a range of item purchase orders and item numbers, please see the field “Item Purchase Order No.”
Incl. Quotes If you mark this field, the table part will display both quotes and sales orders assigned to the current consignment. If this field is not marked, the table part will only display sales orders. Please note that if the number of lines in the table part is changed because you mark or unmark this field; the figures in the island Order Total will be recalculated from the lines currently displayed in the table part.

Update Island

Field Description
Update Item Reservations Mark this field if you want to update delivery dates.

The delivery dates are updated as described for the action “Update Delivery Dates” in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module and the window Item Purchase Orders in the Item Purchase module. However, instead of just updating and re-reserving one line at a time causing each line to lose its current reservation priority, all affected lines are re-reserved, and lines concerning the same item are prioritized based on their current delivery dates. This results in a fairer re-reservation, as lines with earlier delivery dates are more likely to benefit from items received earlier than expected. Please note, however, that lines that are not covered by the selection criteria keep their current reservation.

Split Order Lines Mark this field if you want Maconomy to split order lines to obtain the soonest possible delivery of as many items as possible. For each line matching the selection criteria, the split-up is carried out as described for the action “Split Line” in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. If you also mark the field “Update Item Reservation,” the split is based on the recalculated delivery date. The action is only carried out on lines assigned to orders that use partial delivery.

Please note that even if you do not mark this field, Maconomy still runs the split-up procedure on lines belonging to orders where the field “Split Lines” is marked.

You can define the default value of this field in the system parameter “Split order lines automatically.”

Assign to Consignment Mark this field if you want Maconomy to assign the affected order lines to consignments. For each line matching the selection criteria, Maconomy tries to find a suitable consignment as described for the action “Assign to Consignment” in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. Only lines on orders on which a destination has been specified are considered for this action. The action is carried out after recalculating delivery dates and splitting lines if one or both of the fields “Update Item Reservations” and “Split Order Lines” are marked. Maconomy therefore also tries to assign lines resulting from the split-up process to consignments, provided that they match the selection criteria.

You can define the default value of this field in the system parameter “Automatically assign order line to consignment.”

Reactivate Order Lines Mark this field if you want Maconomy to find a solution to blocked lines so that the orders in question can be delivered as soon as possible. For each blocked line matching the selection criteria, Maconomy runs the process described for the action “Activate Lines” in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. The action is carried out after recalculating delivery dates, splitting lines, and assigning to consignment if any of the fields “Update Item Reservations,” “Split Order Lines,” and “Assign to Consignment” are marked. Maconomy therefore also tries to activate any blocked lines resulting from those procedures (including new lines created in the split-up process), provided that they match the selection criteria.
Allow Partial Update In this field, you can specify whether an error in the updating process should cause the update to be cancelled, thus also cancelling the updates made up to the point where the error occurred, or if Maconomy should continue the update, skipping the places where the errors occurred.

Any errors encountered are recorded in a log which is printed at the end of the process. Maconomy only allows you to run an update with this field marked if the Maconomy server supports so-called rollback functionality which is used for cancelling updates.

Delete Log Information In this field, you can specify whether Maconomy should delete log information from previous updating processes before starting the new update. If you mark the field, the previous log information is deleted and the log printed at the end of the process will only include information pertaining to the current process. If you do not mark the field, the log printed will also include information from processes run since the last time the log was deleted.