Periodic Vendor Statement Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Periodic Vendor Statement tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This is the vendor number. The field also shows the first two lines of the vendor’s name and address. The information is transferred from the Vendor Information Card.
Currency This field displays the currency that the current vendor uses as standard currency.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number of the current vendor.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Period Island

Field Description
Month/Yr. In this field, you enter the month and year of the desired statement. The month must be entered in numbers, that is, “1” is for January, “2” is for February, and so on. The desired year must be entered in four figures, for example, 2002. By using the vendor number, the month, and the year, Maconomy transfers the balance and the activity of the month.
Date In this field, you enter a date range. If the field “Month/Yr.” is completed, the values in the field above will be overwritten by the months entered in this field.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field displays the vendor’s immediate balance in standard currency. The balance is updated when posting journals with entries for the current vendor.
Balance, Base This field displays the vendor’s immediate balance in base currency. The balance is updated when posting journals with entries for the current vendor.

Period Balances: Opening/Closing Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field shows the vendor’s opening and ending balances in the given month, expressed in the vendor’s standard currency. The balances are updated at posting.
Balance, Base These are the vendor’s opening and ending balances in base currency in the given month. The balances are updated at posting.