Back Order Register Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Back Order Register tab.

Ship to Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer who is receiving the items in the back order. It cannot be changed here. The remaining lines of this field show the name and address of the ship-to customer. The text is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Attn. This is the attention person with the ship-to customer. The name is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Country This is the country of the ship-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Phone This is the ship-to customer’s telephone number. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Fax This is the ship-to customer’s fax number. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Telex This is the ship-to customer’s telex number. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
E-mail This is the ship-to customer’s e-mail address. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Contact Person This is the contact person with the ship-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Language This is the ship-to customer’s language. The name is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Currency This is the currency normally used for the ship-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Customer Group This is the customer group that the ship-to customer belongs to. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Department This is the department that the ship-to customer is primarily assigned to. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.

Bill to Customer Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This is the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the ship-to customer. The number is retrieved from the bill- to customer’s information card and cannot be changed here. The remaining lines of this field show the name and address of the bill-to customer. The text is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Attn. This is the attention person with the bill-to customer. The name is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Country This is the country of the bill-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Warehouse This field shows from which warehouse the ship-to customer normally receives items. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Delivery Terms This field shows the delivery terms normally applied to this ship-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Delivery Mode This field shows the delivery mode normally used for sales to this ship-to customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Carrier This field shows which carrier is normally used for sales to this customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.

Order Information Island

Field Description
Back Order Handling This field shows which method is normally used for handling back orders to the customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.
Sales Rep. This field shows the number of the sales person who is responsible for the customer. It is retrieved from the Customer Information Card window and cannot be changed here.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company specified on the information card of current customer. If no settling company has been specified for the customer, the field is blank.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.