Job Budget Item Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Item Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. In this field, you enter the number of the item you expect to use for the activity. Maconomy verifies that the item number exists, and that the item is not discontinued. If the item is discontinued, Maconomy checks if the warehouse assigned to the job’s responsible company contains the sufficient number of units.

You cannot enter bills of materials that are to be specified.

If you do not enter a value in this field, the line is considered a text line. You can use text lines to specify further information about an item line in a budget. Text lines are also transferred to the sales order when the action “Transfer to Sales Order” is selected in the window Job Budgets.

Quantity In this field, you enter the quantity of units of the item which you expect to use for the current activity. If you later change the quantity in this field, you should select the action “Recalculate Prices” to recalculate any quantity discount defined in the current price list.
Unit In this field, you can choose the unit of the item. Maconomy suggests the value from the inventory the item is in, retrieving it from the Item Information Card, but you can change it.
Description This is the item text from the “Description Lang. 1” field in the Item Information Card. You can change it.

If the current line is a text line, enter the text here and leave the remaining fields on the line blank.

Cost, Base This is the item’s budgeted cost in base currency. It is the item’s cost specified in the current warehouse according to the cost method at the time of the budget, unless you have entered a vendor on the job budget line, for which there is a purchase price list, which includes the given item. In this case, the budgeted cost is taken from the price list.

If no units of the item have been purchased for the warehouse in question before, or if the cost relevant to the selected costing method is 0, the standard cost of the item specified in the relevant warehouse is used.

When the items are priced, the delivery date entered on the line is used as reference to the valid edition of the price list at the time of delivery.

Total Cost, Base This field shows the total cost of the current job budget item line in base currency. The total cost is calculated as the cost multiplied by the value in the field “Quantity” specified on the line.
Billing Price, Curr. This is the budgeted billing price in the job’s currency. It is calculated in the same way as in the Sales Orders window. For the same reason, currency amounts are not converted according to the fixed exchange rate information that may have been specified for the current job.

Please note that when items are assigned to a job budget line, the standard billing price on the budget line is set to equal the billing price. This way, job budget items do not influence the write up/write down of the budget.

Extended Price, Currency This is the extended price, found by multiplying the units with the billing price. It is in the job’s currency.
Extended Price, Base This is the extended price in the base currency.
Deliv. Date In this field, you enter the expected delivery date for the item.

This field must be completed. When you create a new item line, Maconomy suggests the date from the job budget line.

Deliv. Remarks In this field, you can enter remarks about the delivery of the item in question. When you create a new item line, the remarks are transferred from the delivery remarks field on the current job budget line to this field.
External Desc. This is an item for the item. The text is taken from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module from one of these three fields: “Description Lang. 1,” “Description Lang. 2” or “Description Lang. 3” depending on whether the case is assigned to the first, second or third language in the list of language codes. The text can be changed here.
Internal Desc. This is the internal text entered in the Item Information Card. It can be changed here.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window, and if no value has been entered in the card part, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivation for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Quty. Transf. to Sales Order This shows the number of units for which you have made order lines in the Job Budgets window. The order lines themselves can be viewed in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. If the number is different from zero, you will not be able to create new order lines from the line.
Text Line Transf. to Sales Order This field only applies to text lines. The field is automatically marked when the current line is transferred to a sales order, using the action “Transfer to Sales Order” in the window Job Budgets. If you change the text on a text line which has already been transferred to a sales order, Maconomy issues a warning and unmarks the field. Note that the sales order is not updated until you transfer the line again.
Changed in Revision No. This field shows the number of the job budget revision in which the current line was last changed.