Job Invoice Selection Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoice Selection Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Level 1: Activity These fields show the values by which information on the current line is grouped at level 1-4. If, for instance, the invoice layout rule selected in the field “Invoice Layout” in the card part specifies that the invoice selection should be grouped by task at level 1, the “Level 1” field shows the task number of the entries summarized on the current line.

The headings of these fields indicate the types of values by which the invoice selection is grouped at level 1-4. For instance, if the invoice selection is grouped by Task at level 1, the heading of this field will be “Level 1: Task.”

For further information on task groups in invoice layouts, see the description of the “Level 1” field in the Invoice Layout Rules window.

Activity No. This field shows the number of an activity, if the current invoice layout rule specifies that the invoice selection should be summed by activity.

There is only one line per activity, which means that all activity entries are grouped and summed in the table part of this window. For this reason, the field cannot be changed on existing lines, but it is possible to create a line and enter an activity number in this field. However, if the invoice layout rule used for the current job indicates that invoice selection lines should be grouped by activity, you cannot create a line on which you enter an activity or combination of activity which is identical to that of an existing summary line. Similarly, if the invoice layout rule indicates that invoice selection lines should be grouped by a combination of activity and another field value — for example, location — you cannot create a line on which the combination of activity and the field in question matches that of an existing summary line. If you want to create such a line for direct invoicing, you can either do this in the window Itemize Invoice Selection, in which the underlying job entries can be seen, or you can mark the field “Dir. Inv.” on the existing line and make the desired changes there.

Activity Name This is the activity text which was entered when the activity was created in the window Activities.
Invoice Quantity In this field, you can enter the quantity to invoice when the selection is approved. Maconomy shows the quantity specified to be invoiced in the windows Itemize Invoice Selection, Job Journal, Time Sheets, or Expense Sheets. If the current job is a fixed-price job, and the job is assigned the job parameter attributes “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” and “Close Job Upon Job Invoicing,” both having the value “Yes,” the number in this field is always zero, as such jobs are to be invoiced on account.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only” of the type “Write-Up/Down” is not marked, you can change the number if you wish to invoice the customer for less or more than the registered quantity (that is, write the job up or down). If you change it, Maconomy will recalculate the field “Billing Price to Inv.”

If you enter a negative number, the quantity of the activity is credited when you approve the selection for invoicing or crediting. Maconomy automatically changes the values in the fields “Quantity Inv.,” “Billing Price to Inv.,” and “Close Balance” on underlying job entries which have not been marked for direct invoicing.

If the system parameter “Prioritize Partial Invoicing when Changing Quantity for Invoicing” is marked, Maconomy will unmark the field “Close Balance” when the number in this field is reduced to less than the open quantity for invoicing. This means that the line will be carried forward, instead of being written off when the invoice selection is approved. If, for example, the open quantity is 10, and the quantity for invoicing in this field is changed from 10 to 8, the field "Close Balance" is unmarked, but if the quantity for invoicing is changed from 12 to 10, the field is not unmarked.

Billing Price to Inv. In this field, you can enter the activity billing price to invoice. Maconomy suggests the sum of the billing prices from open entries on the job, as entered in the windows Itemize Invoice Selection, Job Journal, Time Sheets, or Expense Sheets. If the current job is a fixed-price job, and the job is assigned the job parameter attributes “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” and “Close Job Upon Job Invoicing,” both having the value “Yes,” the number in this field is always zero, as such jobs are to be invoiced on account.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only” of the type “Write-Up/Down” is not marked, you can change the billing price in this field. If you do, Maconomy will change the amounts in the field “Invoice Quantity.” However, the two system parameters “Keep quantity on write-downs” and “Keep quantity on write-ups” may change this behavior. If “Keep quantity on write-downs” is marked, Maconomy will not change the quantity when the billing price is reduced. If “Keep quantity on write-ups” is marked, Maconomy will not change the quantity when the billing price is increased. Note that both parameters may be marked, in which case Maconomy will never adjust the invoice quantity of the affected activities to match the current billing price to invoice.

You can never change the values in both this field and the “Invoice Quantity” field at the same time.

If you enter a negative number, the amount is credited when you approve the selection for invoicing or crediting. Maconomy automatically changes the values in the fields “Quantity Inv.” and “Billing Price to Inv.” on underlying job entries.

Markup In this field, you can enter or change the markup amount for the current line. The field “Close Balance” must be marked. Maconomy suggests the difference between the cost and the billing price of the current table line. When you change the field and press Return, the fields “Billing Price to Inv.” and “Markup %” on the current line are updated, and the fields relating to the desired sales price in the card part are updated as well to reflect the new billing price to invoice (see the description of the field “Desired Sales Price”).
Markup % In this field, you can enter or change the markup percentage for the current line. The field “Close Balance” must be marked. Maconomy suggests the percentage which corresponds to the difference between the cost and the billing price of the current table line. When you change the field and press Return, the fields “Billing Price to Inv.” and “Markup” on the current line are updated, and the fields relating to the desired sales price in the card part are updated as well to reflect the new billing price to invoice (see the description of the field “Desired Sales Price”).
Close Balance The functionality of this field depends on whether the field “Dir. Inv.” is marked and whether the system parameter “Allow over invoicing” has been marked in the Set-Up module. If this parameter has not been marked, the field “Close Balance” cannot be unmarked. Furthermore, if the job parameter attribute “Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only” of the type “Write-Up/Down” is marked for the current job, this field can only be selected if doing so does not give rise to any write-up or write-down of the job.
  • If the field “Dir. Inv.” (Direct Invoicing) is not marked — Mark the field “Close Balance” if you want all underlying job registrations to be closed when you approve the invoice selection. The field “Close” will be marked accordingly on all the underlying job registrations, which can be seen in the window Itemize Invoice Selection. If you mark that field, all open entries will be invoiced and closed.

    If you do not mark the field, the underlying entries will be closed until the quantity specified in the field “Invoice Quantity” or “Billing Price to Inv.,” with the oldest entries being selected for invoicing first. If the quantity exceeds the open entries, an entry for direct invoicing is created in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

  • If the field “Dir. Inv.” (Direct Invoicing) is marked — If the field “Close Balance” is marked, an entry for invoicing is created and then closed. Any job entries with the same allocation combination in the window Itemize Invoice Selection are not closed, but are excluded from the invoice selection, as the quantity to invoice and the billing price to be invoiced are always set to zero. See also the description of the field “Dir. Inv.” below.

    If you do not mark that field, the open billing price for the current allocation combination will be negative the next time that you create an invoice selection. For further information, please see the description of the field “Close” in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

Dir. Inv. This field is used for choosing direct invoicing, that is, invoicing without underlying job registrations. If you mark this field, you can enter quantity and billing price irrespective of open job entries, and these will not be affected by the invoicing or crediting. Job entries with the same allocation combination are no longer shown in this window, but only in the window Itemize Invoice Selection. The values in the fields “Invoice Quantity” and “Billing Price to Inv.” on existing job entries are set to 0 to indicate that they are no longer selected for invoicing. When you mark this field, the field “Close Balance” is automatically marked too, but you can remove the mark manually if the system parameter “Allow over invoicing” has been marked in the Set-Up module.

You can also enter a negative quantity and a negative credit memo amount for direct crediting, that is, crediting without underlying job registrations.

When you enter manual activity lines for which there are no job entries, Maconomy will mark this field automatically.

As job entries for direct invoicing do not have underlying job registrations, Maconomy will set the invoicing date to the entry date when the invoice is printed. The entry date cannot be changed in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

Action This pop-up field serves two purposes: It tells you at a glance what the effect of the selections on the current line is, and it is a shortcut to performing various common operations on the current line. A corresponding field exists for all underlying job entries in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

The “Action” field reflects the value of the fields “Billing Price to Inv.” and “Close Balance” on the current line. However, if the current job is a time and material job, the value suggested is the one specified in the attribute “Standard invoicing action for job entries on time and material jobs” in the job parameter “Registration.”

This field can have four values. You can change a field on the line manually to see the effect in this field, or you can change this field to change the other fields automatically. The following table shows the available options.

Billing Price to Inv. Close Balance Action
>0 Yes Invoice
0 Yes Write Off
0 No Carry Forward
Other Combinations Blank

The following section describes the effect of selecting the different values in this field. Note that if you select a value that does not have any effect (such as “Invoice” when there is nothing to invoice), the value will revert to reflect what will actually take place when you approve the invoice selection.

  • Invoice — If you select this value on a line where the billing price to invoice is greater than zero, the field “Close Balance” is marked on the current line. This means that all open entries to the current job allocation combination are closed when you approve and print the invoice; the line is invoiced in full. For more information, please see the description of the field “Close Balance.”
  • Write Off — If you select this value, the field “Close Balance” is marked on the current line, and the fields “Invoice Quantity” and “Billing Price to Inv.” are reset to zero. This means that all open entries to the current job allocation combination are closed when you approve and print the invoice, but nothing is invoiced; the line is written off completely, and the job is written down by the current line’s amount. Note that this action cannot be selected if the job parameter attribute “Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only” of the type “Write-Up/Down” is marked for the current job.
  • Carry Forward — If you select this value, any mark in the field “Close Balance” is removed on the current line, and the fields “Invoice Quantity” and “Billing Price to Inv.” are reset to zero. This means that nothing is invoiced on the current line when you approve and print the invoice, but the balance is not closed; that is, the balance is carried forward, and the job entry will reappear at the next invoicing.
  • Blank — This is the default value if the job is a fixed-price job.
    Please note that if you have selected a non-blank value in this field, it may be reset to blank in a number of cases:
    • If you select an action with a possible effect on the table lines, such as “Transfer Fixed Price.”
    • If you change the field “Close Balance,” either manually or using the action “Close All.”
    • If the underlying job entries of a line in the table are changed in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

Note again that this field is merely a shortcut to actions which can also be performed by changing the affected fields manually.

If the system parameter “Keep delimitation when changing invoice selection” is not marked, the action you choose in this window is transferred to all the underlying job entries in the window Itemize Invoice Selection. If this parameter is marked, only entries within the delimitation parameters you have specified in the card part of this window (if any) are affected. If, for instance, you have chosen to see job entries before a certain date by specifying the cut-off date in the island Delimitation, and you choose the “Invoice” action on a table line, no underlying job entries after the specified date will be invoiced.

Reallocate If you mark this field, all open, underlying job entries are marked for reallocation. When an invoice selection line is marked for reallocation, it cannot be invoiced. The same applies if any of the underlying job entries is marked in the window Itemize Invoice Selection. The quantity and amount for invoicing is reset to zero, and any mark in the fields “Close Balance” and “Dir. Inv.” is removed.

To be able to invoice the invoice selection line, you must first either perform the reallocation in the window Job Reallocation by Job or unmark the field in this window.

Remarks In this field, you can enter a remark to describe the current job invoice line. This could, for example, be a note about the reason for writing down an entry. The remark entered in this field is copied to all underlying job entries and can be seen in the window Itemize Invoice Selection. If any remarks have already been entered in that window for the individual job entries, they are overwritten by the remark in this field. If a remark is changed in the window Itemize Invoice Selection so that there are different remarks for each job entry, the “Remarks” field in this window is blanked for that invoice selection line.
Empl. No. This field must be completed for time activities if you mark the field “Dir. Inv.” above. Maconomy automatically suggests the employee specified in the system parameter “Employee No. for direct invoicing.” The employee number is transferred to the job entry created when the job is invoiced.

If the invoice layout rule specifies that invoice selections are to be grouped by employee, there is only one line per employee, which means that all entries by a given employee are grouped and summed in the table part of this window. When this is the case, the field cannot be changed on existing lines, but it is possible to create a line and enter an employee number in this field. However, you cannot create a line on which you enter an employee which is identical to that of an existing summary line. Similarly, if the invoice layout rule indicates that invoice selection lines should be grouped by a combination of employee and another field value — for example, location — you cannot create a line on which the combination of employee and the field in question matches that of an existing summary line. If you want to create such a line for direct invoicing, you can either do this in the window Itemize Invoice Selection, in which the underlying job entries can be seen, or you can mark the field “Dir. Inv.” on the existing line and make the desired changes there.

Employee Name This field displays the name of the employee entered in the field “Empl. No.”
Employee Category No. This field shows the number of the employee category for the line in question.
Employee Category Name This field shows the name of the employee category for the line in question.
Quantity, Open This field shows the number of units that has been entered but not yet invoiced or closed. This number, which cannot be changed in this window, is the sum of the “Quantity, Open” values for the entries in the window Itemize Invoice Selection.
Billing Price, Open, Currency This field shows the open billing price, that is, the sum of the prices of the number of entered units that have not yet been invoiced or closed. This amount, which cannot be changed in this window, is the sum of the “Billing Price, Open” values for the entries in the Itemize Invoice Selection window.
Quantity Inv. This field shows the total quantity that has already been invoiced.
Billing Price, Inv., Currency This field shows the total billing price that has already been invoiced.
Quantity, Total This field shows the total invoiceable quantity when the invoice has been approved. It is the sum of the “Quantity Inv.” and “Invoice Quantity” fields.
Billing Price, Total This field shows the total billing price when the invoice has been approved. It is the sum of the “Billing Price, Invoice” and “Billing Price to Inv.” fields.
Quantity, Budget This field shows the total quantity from the budget type selected as the current budget in the Job Budgets window.
Billing Price, Budget, Currency This field shows the total billing price from the budget type selected as the current budget in the Job Budgets window.
Quantity, Reg. This field shows the quantity that has been entered.
Billing Price, Reg. This field shows the total registered billing price, that is, the sum of the billing prices registered to the individual entries.
Quantity, Up/Down, To Date This field shows the write-up/-down quantity already invoiced for the activity until today’s date. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity and the invoiced quantity. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Billing Price, Up/Down, To Date This field shows the write-up/-down billing price already invoiced for the activity until today’s date. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Quantity, Up/Down, Selection This field shows the potential write-up/-down quantity resulting from invoicing the current invoice selection. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity and the invoiced quantity. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Sales Price, Up/Down, Selection This field shows the potential write-up/-down sales price resulting from invoicing the current invoice selection. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered sales price and the invoiced sales price. Write-ups are shown as positive figure, and write-downs as negative figures.
Hours, Up/Down, Total This field shows the total write-up/-down number of hours for the job after invoicing the current invoice selection. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered number of hours and the invoiced number of hours. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Sales Price, Up/Down, Total This field shows the total write-up/-down sales price for the job after invoicing the current invoice selection. Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered sales price and the invoiced sales price. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.
Quantity, Available This field shows how many times quantities have been written up or down. These are the differences between the entered quantity and the invoiced quantity. Only closed entries are included in this figure.

Positive figures mean a quantity has been written up, negative figures that it has been written down.

Billing Price, Available This field shows the sum of up- or-down written billing prices. The sum corresponds to the difference between the entered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Only closed entries are included in this figure.

A positive figure means a billing price has been written up, a negative figure that it has been written down.

Direct Invoicing Tax Code In these fields, you can enter tax codes for direct invoicing.
Tax Code This field shows the tax code of the current activity.
Task Name This field shows the name of a task, if the current invoice layout rule specifies that the invoice selection should be summed by task.

There is only one line per task, which means that all task entries are summed in the table part of this window. For this reason, the field cannot be changed on existing lines, but it is possible to create a line and enter a task name in this field. If you want to create a line for direct invoicing using the same task name, this must be done in the window Itemize Invoice Selection, in which the underlying job entries can be seen.

Task Description This field shows the task description which was entered when the task was created.
WIP Available This field shows the WIP available for invoicing.
WIP for Invoicing In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to invoice.
Carry Forward In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to carry forward.
Billing Price In this field, you can change the billing price of the WIP to invoice.

When you change the billing price, Maconomy adjusts the unit price, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

Write-Up/Down In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to write down.

When you change the amount for Write-Up/Down, Maconomy adjusts the unit price, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields. You can change the Realization Rate which will adjust the Billing Price and Write-Up/Down accordingly.

When you change the realization rate, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

A change in Realization Rate is only applied to time-related activities.

Exclude Entries for Carry Forward Select this check box to exclude selected entries in the table part that are marked for carry forward from the billing adjustment when changing the WIP for Invoicing.

You can only select this check box simultaneously with a change in the WIP for Invoicing field.

Total Base Salary, Currency This field shows the total base salary from job entries included in the invoice selection line.
Base Salary Markup % If the system parameter “Use markup % for time activities” is selected, markup percentages in price lists are also applied to time registrations. This field shows a markup percentage relative to the base salary rate.
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above.
Task Group 1-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task Name” above. Task groups are used for reflecting the work breakdown structure of the job budget in the invoice selection.

For further information on work breakdown structures and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Overtime Specification This field shows any overtime specification associated with the current job entry.
Accrual Type If you select a value in this field, the invoicing of the entry will be accrued. If you select a value, Maconomy will create an accrual entry for each period covered by the interval specified in the fields “Period From” and “Period To.” The accrual entries are posted to the relevant accrual-related posting references on the activity in question or in the window Posting References, depending on whether the field “Post by Activity” is marked in the window System Information. The offset entries are posted to the accounts referenced for the selected accrual type in the window Popup Fields. The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods. Both cost and billing prices are accrued.
Period From, Accrual In this field and the field "Period To" you can enter a range of dates, provided that the current line is marked for direct invoicing. If you select a value in the field "Accrual Type" above, Maconomy will create a G/L entry for each G/L period specified in the fields "Period From" and "Period To” when the invoice is posted. The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.

Please note that the last period must be no later than the accrual ending period set up in the field "Accrual End" in the window Posting Period Setup. If no ending period has been specified in that field, you can enter any ending date in the field "Period To, Accrual.”

Period To, Accrual See the field “Period From” above.