Exported Data Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Exported Data sub-tab.

Field Description
Group No. This field shows the name of the conversion group used for selecting data for export.
Line No. This field shows the line number in the conversion group that selected the current line of exported data.
Date This field shows the date on which the current data was exported.
Amount This field shows the amount associated with the current exported data line.
Company No. This field shows the value of the dimension “Company” from the current exported data line. Please note that this value may be different from that of the originally exported data if a conversion rule has applied another value to this dimension.
Account No. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.