A/R Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the A/R Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Customer No. This field shows the number of the ship-to customer who received the goods or services represented by the invoice on the current line.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the ship-to customer to whom the invoice on the current line is issued.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job for which the invoice on the current line was made.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job for which the invoice on the current line was made.
Std. Currency This field shows the currency selected for the invoice on the current line.
Open Amount This field shows the current open amount of the invoice on the current line, that is, the part of the invoice which has not been paid or for which no provisions have been made. The first time you evaluate the invoice, this amount will correspond to the amount owed to you by the customer for the current invoice. Please note that the amounts in this field and all other fields except “Customer Balance Incl. Tax” are shown without tax.
Previous Provisions This field shows the total amount of previously made provisions on the invoice on the current line. When you approve a new provision, the adjusted amount is added to or subtracted from the amount in this field.
Adjusted Amount This field shows the amount which you estimate that you will be able to collect on the invoice, that is, the open invoice amount from the field “Open Amount” less the provisions made on the invoice from the field “Previous Provisions.”
New Provision This field shows the amount which will be created as a provision if you select the action “Approve Provision.” Maconomy calculates the amount in this field by subtracting the amount in the field “New Adjusted Amount” from the amount in the field “Adjusted Amount” (original invoice amount less previous provisions). Note that the provision can be negative - see the description of the field “New Adjusted Amount” below.
New Adjusted Amount In this field, you can enter an amount. When you approve the provision, this will be the new expected value of the invoice. When you change the amount in this field and press Return, the new provision is calculated and displayed in the field “New Provision.” Note that you can create a negative provision by specifying a higher amount than what is shown in the field “Adjusted Amount.” This can, for example, happen if you initially predict that only 80% of the invoice will be paid, but later change your mind and specify that 90% of the invoice will be paid.

If you change this field, the field “Adjusted %, New” is updated to reflect the change as a percentage of the open invoice amount.

Conversely, if you change the field “Adjusted %, New,” this field will be updated to reflect the change of provision percentage as an amount value.

Adjusted %, New This field shows the percentage ratio between the amounts in the fields “Open Amount” and “New Adjusted Amount.” As long as you have not created any provisions for an invoice, this percentage will be “100.”

If you transfer a percentage from the card part using the action “Transfer Percentage,” the percentage is transferred to this field, and the calculation is performed.

Provision Cause In this pop-up field you can choose a provision cause from the options entered in the window Popup Fields. This enables you to enter a standardized text which can, for example, be used as selection criterion in reports.
Provision Remark In this field you can enter a remark for the current provision, for example, elaborating on the provision cause selected in the field “Provision Cause.” This remark can also be transferred to reports, but is not used elsewhere in Maconomy.
Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number of the current invoice. Note that the invoice may stem from either the Job Cost module or the Sales Orders module.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the customer entry.
Due Date This field shows the date on which the current invoice is due.
Entry Date This field shows the invoice date of the current invoice.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number of the customer who received the invoice.
Bill to Customer Name This field shows the name of the customer who received the invoice.
Customer Balance Incl. Tax This field shows the current customer’s total outstanding balance (that is, balance of all invoices) with you, including tax. Note that all other amounts in this window are shown without tax.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the customer to whom the invoice on the current line is issued.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the invoice on the current line.
Company Name This field shows the name of the company responsible for the invoice on the current line.
Location This field shows the value for the dimension “Location” which was assigned to the invoice on the current line.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Local Spec.1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Block Type This field shows if the current line if blocked for interest calculation.
Block Date This field shows the date that the line was blocked for interest calculation.
Blocked by This field shows who blocked the field for interest calculation.