Sales Calculation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales Calculation tab.

Customer Information Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number of the current customer.

The other lines show the customer’s name and address from the customer information card. The information cannot be changed here.

Blocked for Delivery This field shows whether the current customer has been blocked for delivery. The information cannot be changed here.
Customer Type This field shows the customer type of the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Customer Group This field shows the customer group of the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Language This field shows the language of the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Enterprise This field shows the enterprise to which the current customer is assigned. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Segment This field shows the segment to which the current customer belongs. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Area This field shows the area to which the current customer belongs. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Currency This field shows the currency used by the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Price List This field shows the price list used in connection with the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Price Step This field shows the price step to which the current customer belongs. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.
Destination No. This field shows the destination number used in connection with the current customer. The information is retrieved from the customer information card and cannot be changed here.

Calculation Basis Island

Field Description
Quantity In this field, enter the requested quantity of the current item. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, and any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results.
Pref. Deliv. Date In this field, you can enter a preferred delivery date. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, and any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. The calculation of a delivery date is based on the information registered for the item’s main warehouse in the table part of the item information card. Maconomy suggests today’s date in this field, but you can enter another date.
Price List In this field, you can select a price list. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a price list has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this price list, but you can select another price list here.
Price Step In this field, you can enter a price step. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a price step has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this price step, but you can select another price step here.
Currency In this field, you can select the currency in which the calculated prices should be shown. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a currency has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this currency, but you can select another currency here.
Order Mode In this field, you can select the order mode with which the potential order would be placed. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If an order mode has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this order mode, but you can select another order mode here.
Enterprise In this field, you can select the enterprise on which the calculation should be based. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If an enterprise has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this enterprise, but you can select another enterprise here.
Segment In this field, you can select the segment on which the calculation should be based. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a segment has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this segment, but you can select another segment here.
Area In this field, you can select the area on which the calculation should be based. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If an area has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this area, but you can select another area here.
Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse on which the calculation should be based. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a warehouse has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this warehouse, but you can select another warehouse here.
Destination No. In this field, you can specify the destination to which the items in the potential order should be delivered, and on which the calculation should therefore be based. Based on the value in this field and the other information specified in this island, Maconomy calculates a price and delivery date, any discounts that the potential purchase would trigger, and so on. The results of this calculation are shown in the island Results. If a destination has been specified on the current customer’s information card, Maconomy suggests this destination, but you can select another destination here.

Profit Island

Field Description
Base Currency This field shows the currency in which the profit amounts are shown.
Cost This field shows the cost price of the current calculation.
Gross Ratio This field shows the gross ratio of the current calculation.
Profit Margin This field shows the profit margin of the current calculation.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter a company number. If the customer shown in the window is not assigned to a settling company, the price calculation will be made as if the company in this field were the settling company of the customer.

If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Name This field shows the name of the company entered in the field “Company No.” above.

Item Information Island

Field Description
Item No. In this field, enter the number of the item whose price and delivery date you want to calculate. If you enter an item number in this field, and other information which may influence the price and delivery date in the island Calculation Basis, Maconomy will calculate the price and delivery date and show the result in the island Results. In order for any results to be shown, you must enter an item number in this field and a quantity different from 0 in the field “Quantity” in the island Calculation Basis.
Description 1-3 These fields show the descriptions entered in the three item description fields on the item information card of the current item. The information cannot be changed here.
External Desc. This field shows the description entered in the field “External Desc.” On the item information card of the current item. The information cannot be changed here.
Internal Desc. This field shows the description entered in the field “Internal Desc.” on the item information card of the current item. The information cannot be changed here.
Extra Text 1-10 This field shows the description entered in the fields “Extra Text 1-10” on the item information card of the current item. The information cannot be changed here.
Item Group This field shows the item group to which the current item is assigned on the item information card of the current item. The information cannot be changed here.
Item Type This field shows the item type to which the current item belongs. The information is retrieved from the item information card of the current item and cannot be changed here.
Minimum Sales Unit This field shows the minimum sales unit of the current item. The information is retrieved from the item information card of the current item and cannot be changed here.
Purchase/Sales Unit This field shows the purchase/sales unit of the current item. The information is retrieved from the item information card of the current item and cannot be changed here.
Warehouse This field shows the main warehouse of the item. The information is retrieved from the card part of the information card of the current item, and cannot be changed here.
Popup 1-5 These fields show the values selected in the fields “Popup 1-5” for the current item. The information is retrieved from the item information card of the current item and cannot be changed here.

Results Island

Field Description
Unit Price This field shows the unit price which Maconomy calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The price was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the island Calculation Basis.

If a price list was selected for the current calculation, and a price exists for the current item in this price list, Maconomy will suggest the unit price from the price list in this field.

If the requested quantity justifies a quantity discount, or if a fixed price step has been specified on the quote, the unit price suggested in this field will be the price on the price step in question as specified in the window Quantity Discounts in the Inventory module. However, the suggested price can be changed here, causing Maconomy to recalculate the other price related fields in this island accordingly.

If the item is not included in the price list, or if you have not selected a price list for in the island Calculation Basis, Maconomy suggests the current cost of the item at the warehouse in question and adds the gross margin percentage, both of which are retrieved from the item’s information card.

Discount % This field shows the discount percentage calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The discount percentage was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the island Calculation Basis. However, the suggested discount percentage can be changed here, causing Maconomy to recalculate the other price related fields in this island accordingly. However, if you enter both a discount percentage in this field and a discount amount in the field “Discount,” Maconomy will automatically adjust the discount percentage according to the specified unit price and the discount amount.
Discount This field shows the discount amount calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The discount amount was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the island Calculation Basis. However, the suggested discount amount can be changed here, causing Maconomy to recalculate the other price related fields in this island accordingly. However, if you enter both a discount percentage in this field and a discount percentage in the field “Discount %,” Maconomy will automatically adjust the discount percentage according to the specified unit price and the discount amount specified in this field.
Quantity Disc. This field shows the quantity discount calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The discount amount was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the island Calculation Basis. The quantity discount is a discount amount representing the difference between the price of the item on the first price step in the price list in question and the unit price in the field “Unit Price” multiplied by the quantity and divided by the price unit.
Total Price This field shows the total price calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The amount was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the islands Item Information and Calculation Basis.
Price List This field shows the price list calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The price list was found on the basis of the information specified in the islands Calculation Basis and Item Information.
Price Step This field shows the price step reached in the calculation The price step was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the islands Calculation Basis and Item Information.
Price at Step 1 This field shows the price at step 1 calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The price list was found on the basis of the information specified in the islands Calculation Basis and Item Information.
Delivery Date This field shows the delivery date calculated for the item in the field “Item No.” in the island Item Information. The date was calculated on the basis of the information specified in the islands Calculation Basis and Item Information.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company of the current customer.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.