Task Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Task Lists tab.

Task List Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you can enter a name for a task list when creating one. Maconomy checks that the specified task list does not already exist. The name is a unique identification of the task list.
Description In this field, you can enter a short description of the task list.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can assign the task list to an access level. A user only has access to the current task list (and thereby using the tasks in the task list) if he has been assigned to this level or a level above this in the window User Access Levels. This access control ensures that when working with for instance a job entry, you can only enter a task from a task list to which you have access, and in this window you can only see and edit the task lists to which you have access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to tasks and task lists may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, any user can register time and expenses on the tasks available in the task list. You can only specify an access level to which you have access yourself.

This field also shows a description of the access level.

Daily Descriptions Island

Field Description
Use Daily Descriptions Select this check box to use daily descriptions on the task. You can add a description to any combination of task, activity, and day in the time sheet.

This field acts as a default value for tasks created in the current task list.

If the task list is assigned to one or more jobs, changing the value of the field also changes the default setting for the jobs that use the task list. You can select or deselect the corresponding field in the sub-tab for each task individually.

Note: If you are creating a task (that is not included in the current task list) from a time or amount budget line, the value in this check box automatically uses the same value for daily descriptions in the Tasks tab.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dimension Combination In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the window Dimension Combinations.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from tasks in the current task list. The values in this dimension combination will be used in cases where Maconomy is deriving dimension values from a task in the current list, but where no value can be derived for one or several dimensions from the task line in question. When deriving values from a task as a result of a registration being made, Maconomy uses the following list of priorities to find a dimension value to be derived for each dimension:

  1. If a value has been specified for the dimension in question on the task line, this value is used along with the line’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  2. If no dimension value had been specified on the task, Maconomy will attempt to find a value for the dimension in the dimension combination specified on the task line (if any). If a dimension combination has been specified on the task line, the following list of priorities is used for finding a value in the dimension combination:
    1. If a value has been specified for the dimension on the topmost line comprising the company to which the registration pertains, this value is used along with the line’s specification of whether to overwrite.
    2. If no dimension value was found in the table part of the dimension combination, Maconomy uses the value specified in the card part of the dimension combination, along with the card part’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  3. If no value could be found for the dimension in the dimension combination of the task line or if no dimension combination has been specified on the task line Maconomy uses the value (if any) specified in the card part of the task list, along with the card part’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  4. If no value has been specified in the card part of the task list, either, Maconomy will attempt to find a value for the dimension in the dimension combination specified in the card part of the task list (if any). The method used for finding a value here is similar to the one described in item 2.
  5. If no value could be found for the dimension in the dimension combination in the task list’s card part or if no dimension combination has been specified in the card part of the task list no value is derived for the dimension in question from the task.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations for further information about dimension derivation.

Derived Activity Island

Field Description
Activity In this field, you can enter the number of a standard activity which is equivalent to one of the activities created in the window Activities. If you subsequently enter new information on a job assigned to this task list, and you do not specify an activity on the job itself, the activity number from this field will be copied to the job provided that no activity number for the current task is entered in the table part of this window.

If you also mark the field “Overwrite,” the activity in this field will overwrite any manually entered activity on the line.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter the number of a location. This location will be used when deriving dimension values from those tasks in the list where no location has been specified. Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question.

When deriving values from a task as a result of a registration being made, Maconomy uses the following list of priorities to find a dimension value to be derived for the dimension Location:

  1. If a location has been specified on the task line, this location is used along with the line’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  2. If no location had been specified on the task, Maconomy will attempt to find a value for the dimension in the dimension combination specified on the task line (if any). If a dimension combination has been specified on the task line, the following list of priorities is used for finding a location in the dimension combination:
    1. If a location has been specified on the topmost line comprising the company to which the registration pertains, this location is used along with the line’s specification of whether to overwrite.
    2. If no location was found in the table part of the dimension combination, Maconomy uses the location specified in the card part of the dimension combination, along with the card part’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  3. If no location could be found in the dimension combination of the task line or if no dimension combination has been specified on the task line Maconomy uses the location (if any) specified in the card part of the task list, along with the card part’s specification of whether to overwrite.
  4. If no location has been specified in the card part of the task list, either, Maconomy will attempt to find a location in the dimension combination specified in the card part of the task list (if any). The method used for finding a location here is similar to the one described in item 2.
  5. If no location could be found in the dimension combination in the task list’s card part or if no dimension combination has been specified in the card part of the task list no location is derived from the task.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Activity No.” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Activity No.” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Activity No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Activity No.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Activity No.” above.

Job Island

Field Description
Job Specific This field is marked by Maconomy if this current task list is job specific. A shared task list is automatically copied to a new task list and made job-specific if the task list is changed in the context of a job, for example in the window Job Tasks or by creating a task directly from a job budget. For more information, see the window Job Tasks.

If the field is not marked, you can make the current task list job-specific manually by entering a job number in the field “Job No.” in this island.

Job This field shows the number and name of the job to which the current job-specific task list is assigned, if the task list is job-specific. See also the field “Job Specific” above.

You cannot enter a job number if the task list is currently used by multiple jobs. Also, you cannot enter a job number if the job already uses a task list.

Standard Tasks Island

Field Description
Time Budgeting In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when time-related budget lines on jobs.
Amount Budgeting In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when creating amount-related budget lines on jobs.
Registration In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when making registrations on jobs. When you make registrations on a job assigned to this task list and if you do not enter a task on the job in question, the task from this field is automatically copied to the registration.
Revenue Recognition In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default at the creation of a revenue recognition adjustment. At overrun adjustment or revenue adjustment on the basis of completion percentage on jobs to which a task list is assigned, the task from this field is automatically copied to the adjustment entry.

Maconomy will also use the task specified in this field on revenue recognition entries in connection with the closing of fixed-price jobs for which the system has been set up to automatically create an invoice upon job closing. The value of the job parameter attribute is specified in the job parameter type “Fixed-Price Job Set-Up” in the window Job Parameters.

If you enter a derived activity on the task in question, you can register the revenue adjustment on another activity than the one specified in the job parameter attribute “Activity for Job Revenue Adjustment” in the job parameter type “Fixed-Price Set-Up.” However, you should not enter other derived dimensions on the task in question as this could lead to wrong postings in the G/L module.

Mileage In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Invoicing Plan In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Invoicing On Account 1 In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Invoicing On Account 2 In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Write Up/Down, Invoice Selection In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Write Up/Down, Job Inv. Allocation In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Special Tax In this field, the user may enter a task name which will be used as standard for these kinds of registrations if the user does not actively give a task name upon registering.
Employee Revenue Distribution Use this field to specify a standard task for the revenue adjustment entries created from Employee Revenue Distribution window.
Surcharge Use this field to specify a task for the job surcharge.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.