Task Progress Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Task Progress tab.

Job Budget Line Island

This island shows information in two columns: “No.” and “Name.” For each information type as specified in the fields in this island, both number and name are displayed, with the exception of the field “Budget Type,” where only the name is shown.

Field Description
Job This field shows the number and name of the job to which the job budget line belongs.
Activity This field shows the number and name of the activity specified on the job budget line.
Task This field shows the name and description of the task specified on the job budget line.
Employee Category This field shows the number and description of the employee category specified on the job budget line.
Line This field shows the number and description of the job budget line. The line number refers to the hierarchical number according to the job budget line structure.
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the job budget line.

Progress Island

This island is structured as a table with five rows displaying information about the five most recent progress estimates for the planning budget line. The rows are sorted so that the oldest progress history entry is displayed first. The bottom row is the current entry. When a budget is approved, the figures on that row will be moved up in the table as a historic entry.

If you have specified “Hours” in the field “Unit of Measure” in this island, and the current budget line refers to a time activity, the fields in this table display hours. If the value is “Cost Price,” the fields in this table (with the exception of the field “Planned”) display the combined value of time and amount activities in the base currency of the job.

Field Description
Date This field shows the date for which the progress information for each row was created in the window Job Progress.
Planned If the value of the field “Unit of Measure” is “Hours,” this field displays the number of hours planned in the detailed planning for the planning budget line, calculated as the number of hours planned for the previous row in the table plus the number of hours planned for the planning budget line between the date of the previous row and the date on this row.

If hours are subsequently inserted into or removed from the detailed planning related to dates before the date specified in the field “Date” above, the content of this field will not be affected.

If the value of the field “Unit of Measure” is “Cost Price,” this field displays the text “n/a,” meaning “Not Applicable.”

Actual Depending on the value of the field “Unit of Measure,” the default value of this field is the number of hours or the value of the work completed for the combination of job, activity, and task on the current job budget line up to and including the date specified in the field “Date.” The number of hours is calculated as the sum of all registered hours for this planning budget line; the costs are calculated as the sum of all registered entries for this planning budget line.

For historic entries, the value of this field will show one of the following possibilities, depending on whether the field “Show Original Figures” is marked or not:

If the field “Show Original Figures” is marked, this field shows the number of completed hours or the completed costs at the time when the historic entry was created. If registrations are subsequently made on this job for dates prior to the field “Date” of the historic entry, this field will not be updated with the number of hours or the costs imposed by the new registration.

If the field “Show Original Figures” is not marked, the number of completed hours or the completed costs in this field are updated with any hours or costs registered after the creation of the historic entry that would have affected the original numbers if the registrations had been made previously.

ETC This field shows the number of hours or the expected costs required to complete the planning budget line as of the date specified in the field “Date.” The field thus shows the suggested estimate to completion, but you can change the value if you want to modify the suggested estimate. Note, however, that the sum of this field and the field “Actual” must correspond to the total planned number of hours specified in the field “Total” below.
Total This field shows the resulting total number of hours or costs estimated for the job. The number is calculated as the sum of the fields “Actual” and “Estimate to Compl.,” and the sum total corresponds to the value of the field “Quantity” (if you are currently displaying Hours) or the field “Total Cost, Base” (if you are currently displaying Cost Price) in the window Job Budgets.

If the planned quantity on a line in the planning budget is written up or down in the window Job Budgets, the value of this field will thus be changed accordingly.

The value of this field may change depending on whether the field “Show Original Figures” is marked or not. See the description of the field “Actual” above.

Baseline This field shows the number of hours or the costs of the baseline budget line. The field corresponds to the field “Total” above, but displays the total budgeted quantity on the baseline budget instead of the planning budget, and the field cannot be changed in this window. For more information about the baseline budget, please see the introduction to the window Job Progress.
Baseln. Dev. This field shows the current deviation of the planning budget line from the baseline budget, that is, the difference between the value in the field “Total” and the field “Baseline.”
Dev. This field shows the deviation of the field “Total” compared to the same field of the previous row. If no previous row exists, this field will have the value “0.” In other words, this field shows the difference between the current and the previous progress evaluation with respect to the total number of hours or costs as planned on the planning budget line.
Acc. Dev. This field shows the accumulated deviation, which is the sum of the “Dev.” fields of all the previous rows related to the planning budget line, including the current one. The value of this field corresponds to the current deviation compared to the first progress history entry for the planning budget line. If no previous row exists, this field will have the value “0.”

If baseline comparison is selected for the job, this field will show the accumulated deviation since the latest change of the baseline budget, not the current planning budget line. Hence, a change in the baseline budget will affect the accumulated deviation, since the deviation is calculated on the basis of the baseline budget.

CP % This field shows the completion percentage of the planning budget line. The value is calculated as the value of the field “Actual” divided by the value of the field “Total,” expressed as a percentage value.
Remarks This field may show a remark associated with the progress entry, if any. If this row is the last in the table, that is, the row which has not yet been finalized, you can assign a remark to the current task progress entry.
Unit of Measure In this pop-up field, you can choose how you want to present the figures shown in this table and in the table part of the window. You can choose between two values:

Hours — If you select this value, progress information is presented as a number of hours. This information relates to time activities only, and the value is automatically selected when a time activity is displayed. You cannot select this option for amount activities.

Cost Price — If you select this value, progress information is presented as amounts, in the base currency of the job. This information relates to all costs, that is, both time and amount activities, and the value is automatically selected when an amount activity is displayed.

Show Original Figures If this field is marked, this island and the table part of the window will show the original figures for historic entries. If you do not mark the field, the window will display updated figures for a historic entry. The updated figures include any registrations or estimates made on the planning budget line after the creation of the historic entry that would have affected the original numbers, if these were subsequently made on the planning budget line for dates prior to the date of the historic entry in question. See also the description of the field “Actual” above.

Pending Registrations Island

Field Description
Pending Reg. If this field is marked, there are registrations with the same combination of job, activity and task as the planning budget line (on dates prior to the date specified in the field “Date” on the last row in the table) which have not been included in the value of the field “Actual.” This could be the case if, for example, there are time sheet lines for the combination of job, activity, and task on the planning budget line that have not yet been transferred for posting, or if registrations on this combination are found in a non-posted job journal. If the field “Date” is blank, this field is unmarked.
Calculate If you mark this field and press Return, Maconomy will calculate the quantity of hours or the amount specified on any open registrations with the same combination of job, activity, and task as the planning budget line. Only registrations on dates prior to the date specified in the field “Date” on the last row in the table will be considered. The result will be shown in the field “Hours” or “Cost” below for time and amount activities, respectively.

It is recommended that you mark this field in case you want to check any open registrations and then unmark the field when the calculation has been performed and you have examined the number of open hours and costs.

Hours This field shows the number of hours specified on open registrations on same the combination of job, activity, and task as the planning budget line on dates prior to the date specified in the field “Date” on the last row in the table. The hours are calculated by Maconomy when you mark the field “Calculate” and press Return. If there are open registrations on this combination, as shown by a mark in the field “Pending Reg.” above, but you have not had Maconomy perform a calculation, this field will show a question mark.
Cost This field shows the amount of costs specified on open registrations on same the combination of job, activity, and task as the planning budget line on dates prior to the date specified in the field “Date” on the last row in the table. The costs are calculated by Maconomy when you mark the field “Calculate” and press Return. If there are open registrations on this combination, as shown by a mark in the field “Pending Reg.” above, but you have not had Maconomy perform a calculation, this field will show a question mark.

Employee Estimates Island

Number of Estimates This field shows the number of estimates included in the calculations provided by the other fields in this island.

Field Description
Total This field shows the sum of the estimated time to completion provided by employees on time sheets for the current planning budget line.
Average This field shows the average of time sheet users’ estimates of time to completion in the field “Sum” for the planning budget line.
Maximum This field shows the highest estimated time required to completion provided by time sheet users for the current planning budget line.
Minimum This field shows the lowest estimated time required to completion provided by time sheet users for the current planning budget line.