Job Budget Line Dependencies Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Line Dependencies tab.

Job Budget Line Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job to which the current job budget line belongs.
Activity This field shows the name and number of the activity specified on the current job budget line. The name can only be changed in the Activities window.
Activity Type This field shows type of the current activity Time, Amount, or Outlay.
Task This field shows the name of the task specified on the current job budget line.
Task Description This field shows the description of the current task. The description can be changed in the windows Job Tasks or Task Lists.
Employee Category No. In this field, you can assign a certain group of employees to work on the activity/task of the current job budget line. If no specific employee has been specified for this line, Maconomy will instead use the cost, intercompany or billing price for the specified employee category for price calculations.

If the system parameter “Empl. cat. on job budgets required” is marked, it will not be possible to leave out an employee category number in this field, unless an employee has been selected in another window.

Name This field shows the name of the employee category specified in the field “Employee Category No.” above.
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the current job budget. Maconomy automatically selects the budget type selected as planning budget for the job.
Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the current job budget. Maconomy uses the latest revision of the job budget when making dependencies.
Line This field shows the line number of the current job budget line. If the job budget is arranged hierarchically, the line number indicates the position of the line in the hierarchy using a decimal separated number, for instance 1.7 or 2.5.3.

Work Island

Field Description
Quantity In this field, you can enter the budgeted quantity of the current job budget line.

If you specify a number of hours for a time activity, the corresponding number of days is automatically calculated and copied to the field “Quantity, Days.” The number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs. Similarly, if you specify a number of days, the corresponding number of hours is calculated by multiplying the number of days by the number of hours per man day.

Quantity, Days This field only applies to time activities. In the field, you can enter the number of days budgeted for the current job budget line.

If you specify a number of days, the corresponding number of hours is automatically calculated and copied to the field “Quantity.” The number of hours is calculated by multiplying the number of days by the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs. Similarly, if you specify a number of hours, the corresponding number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the number of hours per man day.

Est. Time to Compl. This field shows any estimated time to completion of the current job budget line.
Estimate Date This field shows the estimate date of the current budget line’s completion percentage.
Completion % This field shows the completion percentage of the current job budget line.

Planning Island

Field Description
Planned Starting Date This field shows the planned starting date of the task on the current job budget line. You can change the date here. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Budgets.
Planned Ending Date This field shows the planned ending date of the task on the current job budget line. Please see the description of the window Job Budgets.
First Possible Starting Date This field shows the first possible starting date of the task on the current budget line. Please see the description of the window Job Budgets.
Last Possible Ending Date This field shows the last possible ending date of the task on the current budget line. Please see the description of the window Job Budgets.
Booking Type In this field, you can select a booking type for the current budget line. You can change the budget line’s booking type by selecting it in this field and pressing Return, or you can use one of the corresponding three actions: “Convert to Confirmed / Requested / Preliminary.” For more information, please see the description of the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module.