
This section shows the actions available in the Time Sheets workspace.

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Field Description
Submit Time Sheet Use this action to submit the time sheet. If you try to edit a line in a time sheet which has been submitted, but not yet approved, Maconomy issues a warning. If you continue, the time sheet is no longer registered as submitted.

To submit the time sheet, all lines in the sub-tab must contain at least a job number, an activity number, and a task (if tasks are required for the job on the line).

If you are required to enter your actual work time as intervals in the island Working Hours, either always or in connection with overtime, the balance between the actual work time and the number of hours registered on jobs for any given day must be less than the allowed deviation as set up for you in the window Employees.

If multiple check-in entries are enabled, and at least one check-in entry has been registered on the time sheet, Maconomy calculates the check-in balance.

Note: You cannot edit check-in entries on a time sheet that has been submitted.

If the Popup 1 required if difference between exp. and act. work hours system parameter is enabled, and there is a difference between expected and actual work hours, a value must be selected in the Popup 1 field in the Working Hours island, typically as an explanation of the difference. Note that even if entering actual work time intervals is optional, you cannot submit the time sheet unless the intervals are complete--that is, either specify nothing or specify both check-in and check-out times.

If daily descriptions are required for any of the tasks in the time sheet, the Description field for the weekday(s) for which registrations were made on the task in question must be completed before submission.

When the time sheet is submitted, Maconomy evaluates each line with regard to approval and posting as explained in the Posting Time Sheet Entries section in the introduction to this window.

Submit Temp. Time Sheet Use this action to temporarily submit the current time sheet. After this is done, you can release the time sheet for posting so that it can be made part of the basis for invoicing customers. You can continue registering hours on the time sheet, and then submit it as usual. A time sheet cannot be approved until it has been submitted in its final form. On temporary submission, no check is made on minimum hours. Please note that you cannot delete lines which have been temporarily submitted and then transferred, and changing dimension values on such lines is not allowed. You can submit a time sheet temporarily several times, until you submit it finally.

When the time sheet is temporarily submitted, Maconomy evaluates each line with regard to approval and posting according to the section “Posting Time Sheet Entries” in the introduction to this window.

Release Time Sheet Use this action to release the current time sheet. You can only release time sheets that have been submitted or temporarily submitted. Reopened time sheets cannot be released.

This action is available if the Trans. Non-Appr. Time Sheets check box is selected in setup, and you meet one of the following requirements:

  • You are the supervisor of the current employee
  • You have access to transfer time sheets as specified in the Actions window
  • You are the employee of the current time sheet, are the secretary of the current employee, or you have access to see all time sheets.

When you use this action, the current time sheet is transferred for posting, allowing you to invoice the customer before the time sheet lines have been approved according to the approval principles of the jobs involved. This can, for example, be useful if the supervisor who needs to approve the time sheet is on vacation or otherwise indisposed. For more information about posting, see the Posting Time Sheet Entries section in the introduction to this window.

Approve Time Sheet Use this action to approve the time sheet. Maconomy evaluates each line with regard to further approval and posting according to the Posting Time Sheet Entries section in the introduction to this window.
Note: If multiple check-ins are enabled, you cannot edit check-in entries after the time sheet is approved.

A time sheet can only be approved if it has been submitted. You can only make changed to an approved time sheet if you reopen it usingthe Reopen Timesheet action.

Time sheets can also be approved from the Approve Time Sheets and Approval Time Sheets windows.

Reopen Time Sheet Use this action to reopen a time sheet which has been approved or released and transferred. To select this action, you must have been given access to do so in the window Actions in the Set-Up module. When the sheet is reopened, the time sheet no longer has the status of being submitted. You can edit already reported numbers of hours and to create lines, but approved lines cannot be deleted, and you cannot change job and activity numbers, dimensions, or tasks on the time sheet lines.

If you reopen a time sheet which has registrations of hours on a date that comes after the open posting period, Maconomy displays a warning message. In addition, you can only submit such reopened time sheets, but not perform any actions that will result in a posting. Whether it is the submission, release, or approval that determines when a time sheet is transferred for posting depends on the approval principle of each job. For more information, see the Posting Time Sheet Entries section in the introduction to this window.

Copy Time Sheet Use this action to copy lines from a previous period to the current period, including dimension values. Time usage is reset to zero. The action copies the lines from the week specified in the Copy Time Sheet island, in the Date or Week and Year fields. By default, Maconomy suggests the time sheet from the latest period for which a time sheet exists.

Lines that pertain to blocked activities or blocked or closed jobs are not copied. In addition, Maconomy will only copy time sheet lines that do not already exist on the new time sheet when you select this action, regardless of whether the system has been set up to use duplicate lines in the window System Information. If a line contains a favorite which is not valid for the current week, it is not copied, except if the field “Keep Line” is marked on the line.

Information about check-in time, check-out time, and absence is not copied.

If the Rederive when copying time sheets system parameter is enabled, Maconomy keeps the values in the Job, Activity Number, and Task fields, while the remaining dimensions (the G/L dimensions) are rederived to ensure the correct reflection of any changes to dimension derivation rules.

Transfer Plan Use this action to transfer planned hours to the time sheet. It is disabled for time sheets with the time unit value set to Day.
If you use detailed planning, and the Pre-fill Time Sheets job parameter attribute in the Planning job parameter type is set to any value excluding Do Not Create Lines for a job, Maconomy creates a number of time sheet lines corresponding to the detailed planning lines for the current employee for the week in question when a time sheet is created. If lines are added to the detailed plan after the time sheet is created, you can use this action to update the time sheet with the lines added to the plan. Note that lines are only transferred to the current time sheet if they do not already exist in the time sheet, and if they relate to jobs for which thePre-fill Time Sheets job parameter attribute is set to any value excluding Do Not Create Lines.
Create Favorite Use this action to create a favorite from the current combination of job, task, and activity. If this combination does not exist as a favorite already, it is named using a combination of job name, task description, and activity text. You can inspect and edit the favorite in the Favorites or Favorite windows.

The new favorite is immediately available in the Time Sheets window.