Subscription Order Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subscription Order Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Subscription No. Here you enter the number of the ordered subscription.
Quantity Here you enter the quantity of the subscription.

It is possible to alter the quantity after delivery has taken place. In such cases, the change will take effect when the subscription order is updated in the window Subscription Information Card. However, issues already transferred are not affected by the change.

Unit In this field, you enter the unit in which the current is sold.

Maconomy automatically suggests the unit which is used for the current item in the warehouse. The value is transferred from the Inventory module, but you can alter the unit in this field.

Time Unit If you are dealing with subscriptions which are settled by their duration, this field will show the time unit used for the entered unit price.
Subscription Text This field shows the description of the current subscription entered on the subscription information card. You can alter the description in this field.
Unit Price This field shows the price per unit of the current subscription order.

If a price adjustment principle is specified on the current line, the unit price in this field only applies until the first price adjustment takes place for the line, after which the adjusted unit price in the field “Adjusted Unit Price” will apply (and thus be invoiced).

Price adjustment takes place when running subscription invoice preparations in the window Prepare Subscription Invoicing. For further information about the price adjustment process, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

If % of Basis is different from 0, the unit price cannot be edited, but will be calculated as Basis of Calculation & % of Basis.

Discount % If the conditions for discounts entered in the window Discount Table in the module Inventory are fulfilled and the subscription is periodical, this field shows the discount percentage. The creation of a customer or item discount agreement which entitles the customer to a discount will also cause a discount percentage to be shown.

You can alter the suggested discount percentage in this field, but you cannot both enter a percentage and a discount amount in the field “Discount.” If you do so, the two fields will be adjusted to one another, as the discount percentage will follow the discount amount.

Discount If the conditions for discounts entered in the window Discount Table in the module Inventory are fulfilled and the subscription is periodical, this field shows the discount amount.

You can alter the suggested discount, but you cannot both enter a discount amount and a percentage in the field “Discount %.” If you do so, the two fields will be adjusted to one another, as the discount percentage will follow the discount amount.

Extended Price In this field, the price of the relevant subscription on the subscription line is shown. A price is only shown if you are dealing with a periodical subscription. The price is calculated by multiplying the ordered number of units by the unit price of the line and dividing this amount by the price unit entered on the line, and finally deducting the line discount, if any.
Invoicing Method This field shows the invoicing method entered in the window Subscription Information Card. You can alter the value in this field, but you cannot change a periodical invoicing to invoicing per delivery and vice versa.
Delivery Start Date In this field, you specify when delivery of the subscription is to start. The field is mandatory. By default, Maconomy suggest today’s date when you create the subscription order.
Delivery End Date In this field, you can enter a delivery end date of the subscription if the delivery is time limited.
Discount Desc. This field shows the description of the discount. The description is only shown if the customer fulfills the conditions for a discount. The description is either transferred from a discount table line created in the window Discount Tables in the Inventory module, or from a discount agreement which entitles the customer to a discount on the current subscription order line. You can alter the description in this field.
Pricing Unit This field shows the pricing unit of the current subscription which is connected to the unit price of the subscription. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Price List This field shows the price list on which the prices of the subscription order are based. If the customer is linked to a specific discount table on another price list, this price list will automatically be transferred to this field. If this is not the case, the price list is transferred from the corresponding field in the table part of this window. You cannot alter the choice of price list in this field.

To set the price of a subscription, Maconomy uses the invoicing date in the field “Next Invoicing Date” to determine the price list issue that is valid on the date of the next invoicing.

Price Step This field shows the price step which is used for the current customer if a price list is used on the subscription order. If the customer has a discount agreement or is linked to a specific price step, using the field “Price step” in the table part of this window, the agreed discounts will be transferred to this field. If none of these cases occur, and a price list is selected, the price step stated on the price list will be transferred to this field. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Price at Step 1 This field shows the sales price of one price unit of a subscription. The price is only shown if the current subscription order is assigned to a price list on which the subscription has been created. If no price list is used or no price is created for the subscription on the price list, the value in this field is equal to the unit price. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Quantity Disc. This field shows a quantity discount. The amount is calculated as the difference between the price at the first step of the price list, multiplied by the ordered number of units, and finally divided by the price unit. Normally, the amount in this field is equal to the total quantity discount on the current subscription order. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Item No. This field shows the number of the item which is assigned to the subscription. The item number is transferred from the window Subscription Information Card when you create the subscription line. The item number is used for pricing periodical subscriptions based on price lists and discount agreements. Furthermore, it is used as reference to account references if posting is carried out per item sales and item expenditure in a specific item group.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivation for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Invoicing Start Date By default, this field shows the date entered in the field “Start Date of Delivery.” Together with the “Invoicing End Date,” the invoicing start date determines the issues which are to be invoiced.

You can alter the date until the subscription has been invoiced.

Invoicing End Date In this field, you enter an end date of the invoicing period. For further description, see the field “Invoicing Start Date.”
Non-Invoiceable If this field is marked, the subscription line is not invoiced and Next invoicing date will be cleared. It is not possible to mark the field if the line already has been invoiced. As default the field will not be ticked.
Invoiced Until This field shows the last date of the period covered by the latest invoicing.
Credit From In this field, you can specify the date from which the current subscription order line should be credited. You can only specify a date belonging to the range of dates in the fields “Invoicing Start Date” and “Invoiced Until” on the line. When you select the action “Prepare Crediting,” the field “Invoiced Until” is automatically updated with the date specified in this field. Maconomy then creates a credit order line for the period between the invoice starting date and the updated date in the field “Invoiced Until.” Once the credit order line has been created, this field is blanked. The credit order line can be displayed and edited in the window Subscription Order Lines.
Next Invoicing Date In this field, you enter the date on which invoicing takes place, If no invoicing is actually taking place on the date of the next invoicing, the line will be invoiced on the first invoicing after the next invoicing date.

You can alter the date manually, which enables you to both expedite and postpone invoicing. The field is only used for periodical subscriptions.

Invoicing Due Date This field shows the invoicing due date which is entered on the information card of the subscription. You can alter the date here.
Order Date By default, this field shows the date of creation of the subscription order in Maconomy but you can alter the transferred date.
Contact Person No. As contact persons originate from the contact management module, you can only use this field, if the contact management module has been installed on your system.

You use this field to enter the number of a contact person. If the field is completed, the contact person’s address is used as delivery address on the sales order which is created on the basis of the current subscription order line.

Maconomy creates a separate sales order for each contact person specified on the same subscription order. Subscription order lines to the same contact person are placed on the same sales order when they are created. If you change the contact person on a line, this is automatically reflected on all other lines with the same contact person, provided that a sales order has already been created. Note that the value blank is also considered a contact person. Therefore, changing the value from blank to another value will also cause the changes described above.

Subscription Status In this field, you select a status of the subscription. There are no restrictions as to which status you can select. You create a subscription status in the window Popup Fields in the set-up module.
External Subscription Text This is the subscription description printed on all external order documents. If a translation in the language specified in the card part of the subscription order exists for the subscription specified on the line, the translation in question is shown here. If no such translation exists, the text from the field “Subscription Description, Language 1” is suggested instead. You can change the text here. Translations are created in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.
Internal Desc. This field shows the internal subscription text which is entered in the corresponding field on the subscription information card.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields show any extra text entered in the corresponding fields on the subscription information card.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select a number of pop-up values for further specification of the current subscription. When you create a line, the pop-up values are transferred from the information card of the subscription, but you can change the values here. The options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Campaign No. In this field, you can enter the number of a campaign if the current subscription order line is assigned to a certain campaign in the Contact Management module. If you enter a campaign number in the card part, Maconomy transfers the number to this field when lines are created. The campaign number can be used for, for example, statistical purposes.
Price Adjustment Principle In this field, you can specify the price adjustment principle to be used for adjusting the unit price on the current line. Maconomy suggests the adjustment principle specified in the card part, but you can specify another principle here.

For a detailed description of the calculation of price adjustments and the situations in which price adjustments take place, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Automatic price adjustment only takes place for lines on which a price adjustment principle is specified. Therefore if you do not specify an adjustment principle on the line, it will not be subject to price adjustment.

Index Date, Base This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line.

The pricing index valid when a new subscription is purchased is usually not 100, as your company may have been offering the subscription type in question for several years, and therefore kept the pricing index updated. In this field, you can therefore specify the date whose index value was valid when the line was created. This means that the first time price adjustment is run for the current line, the calculation is based on the assumption that the initial unit price corresponds to the index level valid on the date in this field. For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Date of Initial Adjustment This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line. The date in this field determines when the first price adjustment should be made. The first adjustment of the subscription line will only take place when running subscription preparation for a period covering the date in this field. The first adjustment date is typically set to one year after the creation date of the subscription line.

For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Index Date, Initial Adjustment This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line. The date in this field is the date according to which the first price adjustment should be made for the line. This means that if the first price adjustment should be made according to the price index valid on 1 January 2006, Maconomy will look up the price index valid on that date when performing the first price adjustment, even if the price adjustment process is run on another date. The date on which the first adjustment should be made is specified in the field “Date of Initial Adjustment.”

For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Adjusted Unit Price This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line. The amount in this field is the one on which the next price adjustment will be based (except the initial adjustment which is based on the price specified in the field “Unit Price”). The amount shows the price at which the subscription was set at the previous adjustment, and the field is updated after the adjustment, so that all adjustments are based on a constantly updated unit price.

For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Date of Latest Adjustment This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line. This field shows the last date on which the subscription price was adjusted. The value in this field is therefore also used in the next price adjustment to look up the index level to which the line was adjusted in the latest adjustment process.

For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Date for Next Adjustment This field is only relevant if a price adjustment principle has been specified on the current line. The field shows the earliest date on which the next adjustment can take place for the line. This means that a price adjustment will take place when running subscription preparation for a period starting on or after the date in this field. Upon price adjustment, the next adjustment date is automatically increased. For further information on this, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

For a detailed description of how the field is used and how price adjustments are calculated, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Basis Of Calculation In this field, you can enter an amount to use as the basis for the price calculation.
% of Basis In this field, you can enter a percentage used to calculate the unit price. If this field is set to 0 (zero) the functionality is not used.

If the value is different from 0, the unit prices will be calculated as Basic of Calculation * % of Basis, and the unit price cannot be edited.